دنيای اصطلاحات و عبارت و جملات انگليسی با معنی و ترجمه فارسی
fly a kite
برو پي كارت! بزن به چاك!
Stop bothering me! Go fly a kite!
لاف زدن
منم منم كردن
از خود تعريف كردن
Richard's always tooting his own horn
All he does is to talk about how good he is.
استقامت به خرج دادن
تاب آوردن
با اوضاع ساختن
I know things are tough me
If you hang in there, things will come out ok.
نارو زدن
I'll never do any business with Peter again
He really hits below the belt.
رازي از دهان كسي پريدن
پته كسي را روي آب انداختن
Nobody was supposed to tell him about the surprise party, but my sister let the cat out of the bag.
از چيزي كيف كردن
از چيزي حظ كردن
I always get a kick out of his jokes.
اخ كردن
Come on man! Cough up the money you owe me!
TALK SOMEONE'S EAR OFFبا پر حرفي سر كسي را بردن
My grandmother talks my ear off whenever I see her.
حسابي رو به راه بودن
قبراق بودن
How's business Ted?It's going great guns!
دست و پا چلفتي
Let me do the dish myself, you're all thumbs
دست كسي را خواندن
از نيت كسي آگاه بودن
Joe has been so friendly to me recently
But I have his number
He just needs my money.
بي ملاحظه
بي فكر
بي احتياط
Each time you enter the room, you knock something down
You are really like a bull in a china shop!
THE FAT IS IN THE FIREديگه كار از كار گذشته
ديگه نميشه كاريش كرد
آب ريخته را نميشه جمع كرد
The fat's in the fire! There's 10 thousands $ missing from office safe.
HIT THE ROADراه افتادن
عازم سفر شدن
it's getting really late
Let's hit the road
JUMP OUT OF ONE'S SKINاز ترس زهره ترك شدن
از ترس قالب تهي كردن
You really scared me
I nearly jumped out of my skin!
All he needs is a kick in the pants to get him going.
مايه دردسر
مايه عذاب
بلاي جان
There's something wrong with my car almost everyday
It's really become a pain in the neck!
روي دست كسي بلند شدن
No one has ever been able to get the jump on Margie in swimming.
غير رسمي
The mayor emphasized that what he had said was off the record.
از كاه كوه ساختن
چيزي را گنده كردن
Don't let such a trivial thing bother you so much
You're just making a mountain out of a molehill.
a kick on the back
he was discharged with a kick in the pants
till I come again.
GET INTO HOT WATERتو هچل افتادن
توي دردسر افتادن
I really get into hot water whenever I play hooky.
هر كي هركي
ظالم، بي رحم
It's pretty though to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.
GO COLD TURKEYيك مرتبه عادتي را كنار گذاشتن
بي مقدمه اعتياد را ترك كردن
The doctor believes in that if he opium addict had gone cold turkey, he might have not survived.
راز شرم آور نقطه ضعف،
My father was once behind bars
That's our family's skeleton in the closet.
MONEY TALKS!پول رو رو مي زنه رو سنگ بذاري سنگ آب ميشه! پول حلال مشكلاته!!
ِDon't worry
I have a way of getting things done
Money talks!
مواظب رفتار و زبان خود بودن
مودب بودن
You must mind your p's and q's at the reception tonight.
GO BANANASاز شدت خوشحالي يا عصبانيت ديوانه شدن
The children will go bananas when you tell them that trip is cancelled.
GIVE ME FIVEبزن قدش!
Hey, man! Give me five!
آشتي كردن
دشمني و كينه را كنار گذاشتن
با هم كنار آمدن
You'd better bury the hatchet before things get worse between you two.
ارزش قايل نشدن
به شخصي بها ندادن
He couldn't prove his invention because everybody used to sell him short.
گرفته بودن صداي كسي
صدا از گلوي كسي درنيامدن
Excuse me, I can't talk clearly
I have a frog in my throat.
آس و پاس شدن
دار و ندار خود را باختن
I almost lost my shirt on that damn business.
راز داري كردن
بروز ندادن
I want to tell you a secret, but you got to promise to keep it under your hat.
خربزه خوردن و پاي لرز نشستن
I told you not to spend all your money, but you did, and now you're going to have the face the music.
ذله كردن
به ستوه آوردن
كلافه كردن
I went home to get some rest, but the kids kept getting in my hair.
SITTING PRETTYدر بهترين شرايط قرار داشتن
He won the lottery and now he is really sitting pretty.
HAVE A SCREW LOOSEيك تخته كم داشتن
بالاخانه خود را اجاره دادن، عقل كسي پاره سنگ برداشتن
He never talks sense
He seems to have a screw loose!
GET OFF SOMEONE'S CASEدست از سر كسي برداشتن
كسي را ول كردن
Come on! Get off my case! Stop nagging me.
هر طور شده
در هر شرايطي
I'll always go see Dad on Fridays, rain or shine.
BY THE BOOKطبق مقررات يا قانون
If the boss had gone by the book, he would have fired some of the workers who were on strike.
HAVE A SWEET TOOTHبه چيزهاي شيرين علاقه داشتن
Daddy eats sweets and chocolates everyday
He has a sweet tooth.
از جا در رفتن
ازكوره در رفتن،
Every time we talk about money, my father flies off the handle.
My house is very expensive, but I bought it for a song two years ago.
نقش بر زمين شدن
به هلاكت رسيدن
شكست خوردن
A bullet hit the burglar in the back, and he bit the dust.
NECK AND NECKپا به پاي هم
دوش به دوش
They were coming toward the finish line neck and neck.
،كاسه وكوزه
همه چيز
What Robert said at the meeting ruined the whole ball of wax.
دمغ بودن
دل و دماغ نداشتن
حال كسي گرفته بودن.
I don't feel like going to work today
I feel under the weather.
FEATHER IN ONE'S CAPمايه ي سر افرازي
مايه ي افتخار
His last book was another feather in his cap.
STICK TO ONE'S GUNSپاي حرف خود ايستادن
از حق خود دفاع كردن
Many people tried to change his mind, but he stuck to his guns
EATING SOMEONE معذب بودن People tell me what has been eating you maybe we can work your problem out together.*** ALIVE AND KICKING سرو مرو گنده، سالم و سرحال، چاق و چله -Lynne, how is your uncle?-He is alive and kicking!*** THROW THE BOOK AT به اشد مجازات محكوم كردن
شديدا مواخذه و تنبيه كردنYou've stolen a car and struck a cop
I'm going to throw book at you
*** DRAG ONE'S FEETلفت دادن
فس فس كردن
اين پا و آن پا كردن If you keep dragging your feet, you'll miss the train.***CUT CORNERS سمبل كردن
از سر و ته كاري زدن
از كار دزديدن Most contractors are always finding ways to cut corners.*** GET SOMEONE'S GOAT روي سگ كسي را بالا آوردن
كفر كسي را بالا آوردن The way you treat me in front of other people get my goat.*** FOLLOW ONE'S NOSE مستقيم رفتن
راسته ي دماغتو بگير برو جلو! Excuse me, where is the nearest gas station?Just follow your nose!*** ON ICEراكد گذاشتن
عقب انداختن
در آب نمك خوابانيدن I have two pieces of land
One I sell and the other I keep on ice for a rainy day
***HAVE ONE'S CAKE AND EAT IT TOOهم خدا و هم خرما را خواستن George wants a regular income but doesn't want to work
He can't have his cake and eat it too!***KEEP YOUR SHIRT ONجوش نزن
عجله نكن
دقيقه صبر كن
يه Keep your shirt on! You're next in line
دو آتيشه عصباني بودن
داغ كردن Daddy was hot under the collar when we told him his car had been stolen.*** PULL STRINGS پارتي بازي كردن
اعمال نفوذ كردن Is it possible to get anything done around here without pulling strings?*** WHERE IS THE BEEF? اصل قضيه كجاست؟ از مايه چه خبر؟ Your proposal seems to be really appealing, but where is the beef?*** RIGHT OUT OFF THE BATفورا بلافاصله، بدون معطلي، The police nabbed the burglars and locked them in jail right off the bat.*** NO SPRING CHICKEN سني از كسي گذشتن
ديگر جوان نبودن I am not as agile as I used to be
I am no spring chicken.*** TONGUE-IN-CHEEKشوخي بي منظور
كنايه آميز Even though Mary's remarks about her sister were strictly tongue-in-cheek, she was offended.*** PUT ONE'S FOOT IN IT نسنجيده حرف زدن I really put my foot in it by telling my brother's secret at the party last night
عاجز كردن
ذله كردن Cut the noise kids
You're driving me up the wall! ***CHICKEN OUTتو زدن
جا زدن Jane was going to go to mountain climbing with us, but she chickened out at the last minute
***SHOOT THE BREEZEاختلاط كردن گپ زدن We sat around at home, shooting the breeze for hours
بنده If you leave everything to yours truly, there won't be any problem
***MAKE A SCENEالمشنگه به را ه انداختن
جار و جنجال به پا كردن
قشقرق راه انداختن -Hey look! There is a fly in my tea
I'm going to tear the restaurant down!-Come on, don't make a scene
Just forget about it
***HEAR OVER THE GRAPEVINEاز اين طرف و آن طرف شنيدن -How do you know Mr
Smith is resigning?-I heard it over the grapevine
*** AT THE END OF ONE'S ROPEجان كسي به لب رسيدن
كارد به استخوان كسي رسيدن Tell the kids to stop fighting
I am at the end of one's rope
***PARDON MY FRENCHببخشيد بددهني مي كنم
با عرض معذرت He is really a bastard, If you'll pardon my French
***SHOT IN THE ARMدلگرمي
مشوق The good test grade was a shot in the arm for John
***KNOW BY ROPESسر رشته داشتن
فوت و فن كاري را دانستن
كاركشته بودن Let Granny do the job, she knows the ropes
***CUT THE CRAP!چرت و پرت نگو
چرند نگو
مزخرف نگو Cut the crap! Talk straight or buzz off! ***BENN OVER BACKWARDSاز جان مايه گذاشتن For passing all the exams successfully, his parents bent over backwards to help him
***BITE THE BULLETطاقت آوردن
تحمل كردن
دندان روي جگر گذاشتن I hate my present job
I gotta bite the bullet for a while until I find a new job
***HOLD ONE'S TONGUEجلو زبان خود را گرفتن
مواظب زبان خود بودن
hold your tongue, Steve! You can't talk to your sister that way
*** HOLD YOUR HORSESدست نگه دار
تند نرو
عجله نكن Hey! Don't get so mad! Hold your horses and let us explain
***SPREAD ONESELF TO THINبا يك دست چند هندوانه برداشتن
خود را گرفتار كارهاي مختلف كردن Things must be done one at a time
You shouldn't spread yourself too thin.*** TOO BIG FOR ONE'S BRITCHESپا را از گليم خود درازتر كردن
از حد خود تجاوز كردن You're too big for your bitches, young man! You'd better be more respectful.*** NO STRINGS ATTACHED بدون قيد و شرط
بدون تعهد You don't need to worry about it
You can use my car with no strings attached.*** PASS THE BUCK تقصير را گردن ديگران انداختن
مسئوليت را متوجه ديگران ساختن
No one will take the blame for the mistake
They keep passing the buck.*** GIVE SOMEONE THE SLIP جيم شدن
فرار كردن The street was really full of people that the thief managed to give them the slip.***TAKE THE BULL BY THE HORNSشخصا با مشكلات روبرو شدن
مستقيما وارد عمل شدن You can't expect a miracle
You're going to take the bull by the horns and settle the matter once and for all
*** LOOK DRAGGERS AT SOMEONEچشم غره رفتن Why are you looking draggers at me? Have I done anything wrong?*** TURN SOMEONE OFF حال كسي را گرفتن
دلسرد كردن You really turn me off when you talk with your mouth full
***HEN-PECKED HUSBANDمرد زن ذليل
شوهر تو سري خور I respect my wife's views, but I'm not a hen-pecked husband
پدر خود را در آوردن
سخت كاركردن I work my fingers to the bone to support my children, but they don't appreciate it.*** CALL A SPADE A SPADEبدون رو در بايستي گفتن
رك و پوست كنده گفتن
بي پرده حرف زدن Grandfather hates fancy words; He always calls a spade a spade.*** MAKE ENDS MEET دخل و خرج را جور كردن Things are so expensive nowadays that it's very difficult to make ends meet.*** STRIKE WHEN THE IRON IS HOT تا تنور داغ است نان را چسبانيدن
از فرصت استفاده كردن The boss is in a good mood today
Go and talk to hint about your salary increase now
You've got to strike while the iron is hot
*** HIT THE HEYتوي رختخواب پريدن
خوابيدن Okay guys, we have to get up early
I guess it's about time to hit the hey!*** WHAT'S COOKING? چه خبرا؟ تازه چه خبر؟ - What's cooking, Pat?-Well, nothing much.*** LAY THE EGGخيط شدن
ضايع شدن
خراب كردن I hope I won't lay an egg when it's my turn to sing!*** HORSE AROUNDبيهوده دور خود چرخيدن از
زير كار در رفتن
ورجه وورجه كردن
بازيگوشي كردن Stop horsing around and get to work.*** FOR THE BIRDS مفت گران بودن
به درد نخور
بي فايده Let's get out of here! What he's saying is for the birds!*** DROP INE'S TEETHاز تعجب شاخ در آوردن I dropped my teeth when I heard the news.*** EAT ONE'S HATاسم خود را عوض كردن You're not studying hard enough
I'll eat the hat if you pass the exam
*** STRING ALONGكسي را به بازي گرفتن
كسي را سر كار گذاشتن Bob doesn't wanna marry your sister
He's just stringing her along.*** IN STITCHES از خنده روده بر شدن ريسه رفتن، The play had us in stitches for hours.*** IN THE DOGHOUSEكم محلي كردن ،محل سگ هم به كسي نگذاشتن
توي دردسر افتادن Because I forgot my wife's birthday, I have been in the doghouse for the pa
*** GO INTO A NOSEDIVEسريع افت كردن
مثل برق پايين آمدن
شديدا تنزل كردن Oil prices are doing to a nosedive.*** TAKE A RAIN CHECKبه وقت ديگري موكول كردن I'm pretty busy on Friday, could I take a rain check on your invitation?*** GET AWAY CLEANاز مجازات فرار كردن After robbing the bank, the robbers spent off in a waiting car and got away clean.***CATCH SOMEONE RED-HANDED سر بزنگاه كسي را دستگير كردن
مچ كسي را گرفتن The hoodlums were tempering with the public phone when the police arrived and caught them red-handed
***CROSS MY HEART!به جون خودم قسم مي خورم! I didn't break the glass
Cross my heart!***GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICKكلاه سر كسي رفتن
به حق خود نرسيدن Martin's very unhappy because he got the short end of the stick again
*** HIT THE NAIL ON THE HEADتو خال زدن
به هدف زدن
درست حدس زدن I guess we need a lot of money to carry out the plan.You're absolutely right
You've hit the nail right on the head!*** LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE پا روي دم سگ نگذاشتن
دنبال دردسر نگشتن
پا نگذاشتن روي دم كسي Don't raise the issue again
It's almost forgotten
Let sleeping dogs lie.*** DOG IN THE MANGER آدم بخيل
آدم تنگ نظر Kathryn never gives away anything she herself has no use for
She is such a dog in the manger*** WHEEL AND DEAL ساخت و پاخت كردن
زد و بند كردن
گاوبندي كردن You can't do any business in this town if you don't wheel and deal.*** MONKEY BUSINESS دوز و كلك
حقه بازي
مسخره بازي Stop the monkey business
This is serious.*** GO DOWN THE DRAIN به هدر رفتن
بر باد رفتن
نقش برآب شدن All the money I invested in that damned business went down the drain.*** GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED ،از دنده چپ بلند شدن
عبوس بودن Why are you so grouchy today? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed? *** JUMP THE GUNزودتر از وقت شروع كردن
قبل از موعد مقرر كاري را انجام دادن
عجله كردن They were scheduled to be married in June, but they jumped the gun.*** MAKE A SPLASH كولاك كردن
معركه كردن
غوغا كردن She made quite a splash in literary with her first book*** GET ANTS IN ONE'S PANTS بي قرار شدن
دلشوره گرفتن I always get ants in my pants before a lecture.*** GIVE SOMETHING ONE'S BEST SHOT نهايت سعي خود را كردن -Do you think you can fix the washing machine?-I'm not sure, but I'll give it my best shot.*** COOL ONE'S HEELS زياد معطل شدن
زياد منتظر شدن We arrived on time, but the lawyer let us cool our heels outside of his office for hours.-LEAD A DOG'S LIFEبا فلاكت زندگي كردن
زندگي رقت بار داشتن
زندگي سگي داشتن I gotta get rich real soon
I'm quite tired of leading a dog's life
*** GET ONE'S TICHET PUNCHEDشناسنامه كسي باطل شدن
كشته شدن The poor man got his ticket punched while he was crossing the street!***DIFFERENT STROKES FOR DIFFERENT FOLKSسليقه ها مختلفه
هر كسي به چيزي علاقه داره My husband likes witching T.V , but I like reading books
Well, different strokes for different folks
***MISS THE BOATدير جنبيدن
فرصت را از دست دادن There were still some tickets available last week
You could have bought one, but you missed the boat
***GET THE AXاخراج شدن
از كار بر كنار شدن I got the ax two months ago
I have been able to find a new job yet
***GO TO BAT FOR SOMEONEاز كسي طرفداري كردن
از كسي جانبداري كردن I expect you to go to bat for me whenever you hear anyone gossip about me
***LEMONخراب شدن چيزي
دچار دردسر شدن She got a real lemon by her new car!*** BUY A PIG IN A POKE نديده خريدن، چشم بسته خريدن I won't buy your car without checking it
I can't buy a pig in a poke
يك موضوع ديگر
يك چيز ديگر I was talking about trees, not bushes
Bushes are a horse of different color.***PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN GLASS HOUSES SHOULDN'T THROW STONESرطب خورده منع رطب كي كند؟ She always criticized her friends for driving too fast but she herself used to did it
At last I told her: "People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones".*** KICK THE BUCKET غزل خداحافظي را خواندن
مردن I hope I won't kick the bucket before my grandchild is born!*** PASS THE HAT اعانه جمع كردن
پول جمع كردن No matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to pay his debts
I guess we'll have to pass the hat for him.*** TALK OF THE DEVIL! عجب حلال زاده اي! انگار كه موشو آتيش زدن! Talk of the devil! We just mentioned your name before you stepped in!*** THE TAIL WAGGING THE DOG كار دنيا وارونه شده
كارها برعكس شده! nowadays, children control parents
It's a case of the tail wagging the dog!*** LIKE A FISH OUT OF WATER كاملا با محيط نا آشنا بودن
در محيط نا مانوس بودن For the first few days in network, I was like a fish out of water
*** GO TO THE DOGSبه گند كشيده شدن
به مخروبه تبديل شدن Our neighborhood has really gone to the dogs since a bunch of drug addicts moved in.*** STRING SOMEONE ALONGبه بازي گرفتن كسي
گول زدن كسي By seeing him with another woman, she was realized that he was stringing her along
*** TEST THE WATERS سبك سنگين كردن
اوضاع را سنجيدن
اوضاع را محك زدن We have to test the waters before we make a final decision.*** SCRATCH ONE'S BACK هواي كسي را داشتن If you lend me the money I need, I'll help you paint your house
You scratch my back and I scratch yours!*** ALL'S WELL THAT END WELL موفقيت ارزش تلاش را دارد Assuming your efforts, I'm sure you'll find a good job
As they say: "All's well that ends well." *** TALK TURKEYجدي صحبت كردن
رك و پوست كنده حرف شدن Let's stop joking around
We've got to sit down and talk turkey.*** GREASE ONE'S PALM سبيل كسي را چرب كردن، پاچه خواري كردن He would have signed the contract if I'd greased his palm.*** KEEP ONE'S EYE ON THE BALL حواس خود را جمع كردن You gotta keep your eye on the ball or you'll lose your job.*** SMELL A RAT مشكوك بودن
مظنون بودن I smelled a rat as soon as I saw a strange man walking on our farm.*** HAVE A BONE TO PICK WITH SOMEONE ،از كسي دلخور بودن گله داشتن
با كسي خرده حساب داشتن از كسي Betty, I've got a bone to pick with you
Why didn't you come and see me yesterday? I waited for you for hours.*** STICK ONE'S NECK OUT خود را سپر بلا كردن
خود را به خطر انداختن
ريسك كردن Why should I stick my neck out to help him? What's he ever done for me?*** THE PARTY IS OVER! ديگه بازي تموم شد Freeze! Stick'em up! The party is over!*** LIKE THE BACK OF ONE'S HAND مثل كف دست I know the city like the back of my hand.***KICK UP ONE'S HEELSخوش بودن
جشن گرفتن I like to go to their party and really kick up my heels.*** BLOW THE WHISTLE ON SOMEONE لو دادن
راپرت دادن
رسوا كردن The gangs in our neighborhood have become intolerable
It is definitely time we blow the whistle on them.*** BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO DO SOMETHING از جان مايه گذاشتن
نهايت سعي خود را كردن Mom and dad bend over backwards to please us
*** HAVE THE WORLD BY THE TAILدنيا به كام كسي بودن With the new car Daddy's bought me, I have the world by the tail!*** FEEL LIKE A MILLION DOLLARS كوك كوك
شنگول -How are you doing pal?-I feel like a million bucks!*** BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL دود چراغ خوردن
تا پاسي از شب درس خواندن I gotta go home and burn the midnight oil tonight
I have to take a big test tomorrow.-IN THE BAGروي شاخ بودن
صد در صد I have the election in the bag
Everyone is going to vote for me.*** GET THE BALL ROLLING دست به كار شدن
شروع كردن Move it guys! If you wanna get the job before dark, you gotta get the ball rolling now.*** PLAY GOOSEBERRYسرخر بودن
موي دماغ بودن
مزاحم بودن
I guess you two want to be left alone; I am not going to play gooseberry.*** SPLIT HAIRS مته به خشخاش گذاشتن
مو را از ماست كشيدن Let's stop splitting hairs
We should look at the problem as a whole
*** KEEP ONE'S FINGERS CROSSEDبراي كسي آرزوي موفقيت كردن -I'm gonna take a big test tomorrow
-I will keep my fingers crossed for you
*** CROSS WORDS سرشاخ شدن درگير شدن
بحث و جدل كردن Whenever they see each other, they got along for the first few hours, but they finally end up crossing words.*** TURN ONE'S STOMACHدل كسي را به هم زدن
حال كسي را به هم زدن The party was so bad that it turned my stomach.*** OFF THE HOOK كسي را از توي هچل درآوردن
به داد كسي رسيدن
از هچل درآمدن It's his own fault for getting himself into this situation, but we'll have to think of a way to get him off the hook.*** MAKE NO BONES ABOUT SOMETHING صاف و پوست كنده
رك و راست
بي شك و ترديد Linda made no bones about telling John how much she hated him
*** RING A BELL به نظر كسي آشنا آمدن
به ذهن كسي آمدن I have never met him, but his name rings a bell
*** FEED SOMEONE A LINE فريب دادن
گول زدن
فريفتن Trust people around you, but don't let anyone feed you a line.*** ON ONE'S HIGH HORSE باد كردن
خود را گرفتن Our friend hasn't been paying much attention to anyone recently
He seems to be on his high horse again.*** PLAY IT COOL خونسرد رفتار كردن
عادي رفتار كردن
آرام بودن The cops won't suspect anything if you play it cool.*** LAY ONE'S CARDS ON THE TABLE رو راست بودن
صادق بودن Come on; lay your cards on the table
Tell me what you really think
*** IN THE WHOLE قرض بالا آوردن
زير بار قرض بودن
بدهكار بودن I am five thousand bucks in the hole
I don't know what to do
*** KEEP SOMEONE POSTEDدر جريان گذاشتن Make sure to keep the doctor posted about the patient's condition.*** WALK ON AIR از خوشحالي پر درآوردن، از خوشحالي روي ابرها راه رفتن
Bob was walking on air on his graduation day.*** WILD GOOSE CHASE آب در هاون كوبيدن
كار بيهوده كردن Doing business in this town is definitely a wild goose chase.***TALK SHOP بي موقع از كسب و كار حرف زدن
از مسايل شغلي حرف زدن
Okay guys, let's stop talking shop and enjoy ourselves.*** COCK-AND-BULL STORY خالي بندي،شر و ور گفتن Whom do you expect to believe your cock and bull story?*** TALK THROUGH ONE'S HAT پرت گفتن
صد تا يه غاز حرف زدن
جفنگ گفتن
Don't listen to him
He's just talking through his hat.*** ON ONE'S LAST LEGS
نفسهاي آخر را كشيدن
به روغن سوزي افتادن My car is on its last legs
I have to get ride of it as soon as I can.*** MAKE WAVES دردسر درست كردن
مشكل به وجود آوردن
شر به پا كردن
Dick doesn't get along well with others at work
He's always trying to make waves.*** UNDER ONE'S VERY NOSE درست جلوي چشمان شخص The witness told the court that the murder had been committed under his very nose
زير ميزيI had to pay one grand under the table to have the contract signed.*** BIG MOUTH وراج
دهن لق
زبان دراز Don't tell him any secrets
He's a big mouth.*** BLOW IT خرابكاري كردن
گند زدن I didn't write more than half of the question in the exam, I really blew it!*** ROCK THE BOAT دردسر درست كردن ،آرامش را بر هم زدن Everyone is living in peace and quite here
Don't rock the boat please.***GET OUT OF MY FACE.از جلوي چشمم دور شو! گورتو گم كن! Get outa my face if you know what's good for you!*** ON THE HOUSE مجاني
به حساب فروشنده يا رستوران We had to pay for the food, but the drinks were on the house.*** BLOW ONE'S TOP از كوره در رفتن
به شدت عصباني شدن Mom blew her top when she saw the room in a mess.*** WEAR THE PANTS رييس خانواده بودن
حاكم خانه بودن
مرد خانه بودن In our family, my mother wears the pants.***ON THE LINEبه خطر افتادن
در معرض خطر قرار گرفتن The company has already lost two million bucks
Many jobs are on the line
*** ONE'S NUMBER IS UPاجل كسي رسيدن
عمر كسي به سر رسيدن
كار كسي تمام بودن Granny is worried all the time
She thinks her number is up.***OUT OF THE BLUEبي خبر
مثل اجل معلق As soon as the burglar stepped out of the house, a cup appeared out of the blue and busted him.***OUT OF THE WOODSجستن
مشكل يا خطري را پشت سر گذاشتن از خطر The doctor believes that the patient is out of the woods.*** PAY LIP SERVICE شعار دادن
حمايت تو خالي كردن Don't sit and pay lip service to human rights
Get busy!*** WET BEHIND THE EARS ،دهان كسي بوي شير دادن تجربه و خام بودن
جوجه بودن
بچه بودن بي He is too young to become a manager
He's still wet behind the ears!*** POKE ONE'S NOSE INTO SOMETHING در كاري فضولي كردن
در كاري دخالت بيجا كردن Why don't you stop poking your nose into my business? You'd better mind your own life.*** PAIN THE TOWN RED حسابي خوش بودن
خوش گذراندن Let's go out tonight and paint the town red!*** PAY THROUGH THE NOSE مبلغ گزافي پرداختن
مبلغ هنگفتي پياده شدن We paid through the nose to get the car fixed and it still doesn't go properly.***COME DOWN TO EARTH.از رويا بيرون آمدن
واقع بين بودن You gotta come down to earth; you can't become a runner with a lam leg.*** PIECE OF CAKE مثل آب خوردن
خيلي آسان I'll fix the T.V
in a flash
It's a piece of cake.*** EYES ARE BIGGER THAN ONE'S STOMACH حرص زدن She ordered too much dessert; I don't think she can finish her food
Her eyes are bigger than her stomach.*** PLAY BALL WITH SOMEONE دست به دست كسي دادن
با كسي همكاري كردن Look pal! If you play ball with me, we'll be able to do almost anything together.***WET BLANKETآيه ياس
حالگير You shouldn't invite him to your birthday party
He's such a wet blanket.*** PUT HEADS TOGETHER با هم مشورت كردن
با هم طرح ريختن
همفكري كردن If we put our heads together, we may be able to settle the problem.*** RUB IT IN سرزنش كردن
ملامت كردن
سركوفت زدن I know I made a terrible mistake but there is no need to rub it in.*** SPILL THE BEANS بند را آب دادن
حرفي از دهان كسي پريدن He has no idea what I've got for his birthday party I beg you not to spill the beans!*** CAN'T MAKE HEAD OR TAIL OF SOMETHING از چيزي سر در نياوردن I can't make head or tail of what you're saying
Why don't you speak more clearly?*** CAT GOT YOUR TONGUE? گربه زبونتو خورده؟! لالموني گرفتي؟ بند اومده؟ زبونت Why did you come home so late last night? Answer me! Cat got your tongue.***DRESSED TO KILL بهترين لباس خود را پوشيدن That party was really important to everyone, so all the guests were dressed to kill
*** PUT THE CART BEFORE THE HORSEملانصرالديني عمل كردن
كارها را وارونه انجام دادن
سرنا را از سر گشاد زدن Hey Tom! Why are you eating your dessert first? You're putting the cart before the horse.*** FULL OF IT چرت و پرت گفتن
مزخرف گفتن Oh, shut up, Roger! You are full of it!*** QUICK ON THE TRIGGER حاضر جواب
هفت تير كش فرز Peter's really quick on the trigger
He has a ready answer to almost any question.*** SAVE SOMEONE'S NECK به داد كسي رسيدن
كسي را نجات دادن Thanks for not letting the boss fire me
You saved my neck in time.***GET SOMETHING OUT OF ONE'S SYSTEMخود را از فكر چيزي خلاص كردن
موضوعي را به كلي فراموش كردن Mrs
Abrameshas not been able to get the memory of her husband's death out of her system yet.*** SEE STARS برق از چشم كسي پريدن I saw stars when I hit my head against the door.*** SELL LIKE HOTCAKES سر دست رفتن
مثل برق فروش رفتن The new cordless phones are selling like hot cakes.*** COOK ONE'S GOOSE حساب كسي را رسيدن
نقشه كسي را نقش بر آب كردن
كار كسي را خراب كردن Her goose was cooked when she was caught cheating on the test.*** SELL SHORT دست كم گرفتن Don't sell him short, he is a smart lawyer
*** FISHYمشكوك When he saw the entrance door open, he found something fishy.***SHAKE A LEGعجله كردن
جنبيدن It's getting late
Come on shake a leg!*** COME ALIVE زنده شدن
به وجد آمدن When he arrived home, everyone came alive.*** HANG ON ثابت قدم ماندن You need to hang on if you want the business to succeed.*** SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT درست رفتار كن يا بزن به چاك He always went to his work late, at last his boss told him to shape up or ship out.***BARK WORSE THAN ONE'S BITEبه اندازه اي كه نشون ميده بد نيست Our boss is so strike and everyone is scared of him but all know that his bark worse than his bite
*** SNOW JOB بازار گرمي
زبان بازي That car dealer did a snow job on me by selling me a car that was a piece of junk.*** SHOOT FROM THE HIPنسنجيده حرف زدن
نسنجيده عمل كردن Don't pay any attention to my brother
It's just his nature to shoot from the hip.*** SHOOT OFF ONE'S MOUTHدهن لقي كردن
قپي اومدن
لاف زدن Stop shooting off your mouth! You could cause a lot of trouble
Like a fish out of water
*** PUT ONE'S MONEY WHERE ONE'S MOUTH ISبه قول خود وفا كردن She at last could get the A in her exams, how about putting your money where your mouth is?*** ALL EARSسراپا گوش بودن Well, tell me the story
I'm all ears!*** ALL WET كورخواندن
سخت در اشتباه بودن If you think you can change my mind about marriage, you're all wet.*** AS COOL AS A CUCUMBER خونسرد
بيخيال A wheel comes off his car but he was as cool as a cucumber.*** AS LIKE AS TWO PEAS IN A POD مثل سيبي كه از وسط نصف كرده باشند
كاملا شبيه هم بودن The two sisters are as like as two peas in a pod.*** BARK UP THE WRONG TREE سوراخ دعا را گم كردن
بيراهه رفتن
اشتباه رفتن Chris suspects Mark stealing her watch, but I bet she is bark up the wrong tree
*** BE UP TO ONE'S EARS TO SOMETHING تا خرخره در چيزي غرق بودن
I am up to my ears in dept***BEATS ME!اصلا نمي دونم! سر در نمي آرم! نمي دونم -Nina, do you know how the world came to existence?-Beats me!*** BITE OFF MORE THAN ONE CAN CHEWلقمه ي بزرگتر از دهان خود برداشتن You won't be able to handle the project
You're biting off more than you can chew
***SELL SOMEONE DOWN THE RIVERبه كسي خيانت كردن
لو دادن
فريب دادن The police raided the gangsters' den and arrested the all
Apparently, someone has sold them down the river.*** PLAY IT BY EARبدون تدارك قبلي كاري را انجام دادن -What are we gonna do after the movie tonight?-We'll play it by ear.*** GIVE SOMEONE THE RASPBERRY براي كسي شيشكي بستن The audience gave the poor actor raspberry after the play
***HIT THE SPOTچسبيدن
جون دادن It is so hot in here
A cool drink really hit the spot.*** GET COLD FEET جا زدن
تو زدن
دچار دودلي شدن I usually get cold feet when I have to speak in public.*** KNOCK ON WOOD بزنم به تخته! بزن به تخته! The children haven't had a cold so far this winter, knock on wood!not Hold Water
*** BEAT ABOUT THE BUSH.صغري كبري چيدن و طفره رفتن
حاشيه رفتن Stop beating about the bush! Answer my question frankly!
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جمله سازی انگلیسی با لغت اساسی Should در انگلیسی به فارسی و جملات ضروری روزمره مثال در این درس جمله سازی انگلیسی و جملات ضروری و کاربردی با لغت اساسی ...
یادگیری مکالمه انگلیسی در 20 روز با درسهای رایگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی به فارسی
یادگیری مکالمه انگلیسی در 20 روز با درسهای رایگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی به فارسی در سری درسهای آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی در 20 روز، در انگلیسی مثل آب خوردن؛ د...