آمکالمه زبان انگليسي به صورت موضوعي انگليسي در سفر
سوالات و جواب هاي پرسيده شده مربوط به فرودگاه در مکالمات زبان انگليسي
At the Counter
در فرودگاه وقتي که به پيشخوان چک کردن بليط مي رسيد، شما بايد بليط و پاسپورت خود را به متصدي تحويل دهيد. اولين سوالي که آن ها معمولا مي پرسند اين است که چند نفر همراه شما دارند مسافرت مي کنند.
ترجمه متن بالا:
"Is anybody traveling with you today?"
" آيا در حال حاضر کسي با شما مسافرت مي کند؟"
"Is anybody else traveling with you?"
" آيا شخص ديگري در حال مسافرت با شما است؟"
"Are just you two traveling today?"
" آيا در حال حاضر فقط شما دو نفر درحال مسافرت کردنيد؟"
براي ديدن ادامه کتاب بر روي ادامه مطلب کليک کنيد:
همه خطوط هوايي يک ليست سوال دارند که بايد از شما بپرسند. بياييد به چند سوال نگاهي بندازيم.
"Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?"
"آيا کسي که شما نمي شناسيدش از شما خواسته که با خودتان چيزي را به داخل هواپيما ببريد؟"
"Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?"
"آيا از لحظه اي که چمدان هايتان را بستيد آن ها را در اختيار داشتيد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
کلمهluggage يک اسم غير قابل شمارش است و با توجه به معني جمله مي توان جمع يا مفرد بودن آن را تشخيص داد.
"Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?"
"آيا چمدان هايتان را تنها و بدون اينکه کسي مراقبشان باشد در فرودگاه ول کرديد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
اصطلاح at all براي تاکيد در جملات منفي يا سوالي به کار مي رود و مي تواند به معناي "اصلا" و "ابدا" باشد يا فقط جنبه تاکيد داشته باشد
"Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?"
" آيا شما هيچ گونه سلاح يا اسلحه گرمي با خود داريد؟ "
نکته آموزشي:
هر يک از علامت هاي " ، علامت کوتيشن مارک يا نقل قول ،quotation mark، نام دارد که جزء نشانه هاي نقطه گذاري (مثل نقطه و کاما است). به ياد داشته باشيد که تمام نشانه هاي نقطه گذاري (مثل نقطه، علامت سوال و کاما و غيره). درون " " قرار مي گيرند و نه خارج آن، بنابر اين جمله اي به صورت:
"Are you carrying any weapons or firearms"?
که علامت سوال خارج از " " قرار گرفته از لحاظ قوانين نقطه گذاري اشتباه مي باشد.
"Are you carrying any flammable material?"
"آيا هر گونه ماده قابل اشتعالي با خود داريد؟ "
"Do you have any perishable food items?"
"آيا شما هرگونه کالاي خوراکي فاسد شدني داريد؟ "
اگر شما متوجه معناي جمله ها نشويد نمي توانيد جواب بله يا خير به همه آن ها بدهيد.
"How many luggage are you checking in?"
"چند عدد چمدان را داريد تحويل مي دهيد؟ "
نکته آموزشي:
Check in در اينجا به معني تحويل دادن مي باشد. مثال:
"did you check in your baggage"
"چمدان هايت را تحويل دادي؟"
"Do you have a carry on?"
"آيا چمدان دستي (کوچکي) داريد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
”a” در جمله بالا معني "يک" نمي دهد بلکه به عنوان "ي" نکره به کار بره شده است. به مثال زير توجه نماييد:
" I see a man" يعني: "مردي را مي بينم" است.
هميشه به اين نکته مهم توجه داشته باشيد که براي ترجمه نبايد اولين معني که به ذهنمان مي رسد را به کار ببريم، بايد سعي نماييم که هرکلمه اي را حتي اگر فکر مي کنيم معناي آن کلمه را مي دانيم در فرهنگ لغت مناسب چک نماييم. براي کسب مهارت بيشتر در ترجمه و آموزش ترجمه، به مطالب بخش اتاق ترجمه که برگرفته از "مجله وزين مترجم " مي باشد مراجعه نماييد.
"Can you place your baggage up here?"
"مي توانيد چمدان هايتان را اين بالا قرار دهيد؟"
"How many carry on bags are you taking with you?"
"چند ساک دستي با خودتان داريد؟"
بعد، آن ها ممکن است بپرسند که آيا شما صندلي طرف راهرو را ترجيح مي دهيد يا طرف پنجره را؟
"Do you prefer window or aisle?"
" طرف پنجره را ترجيح مي دهيد يا راهرو را؟"
اگر صندلي هاي طرف راهرو تمام شده باشد، آن ها از شما مي پرسند، طرف پنجره مناسب است؟
"We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?"
" هيچ صندلي طرف راهرو باقي نمانده. آيا صندلي طرف پنجره براي شما مناسب است يا يک صندلي در رديف وسط را ترجيح مي دهيد؟"
بعضي افراد دوست دارند که کنار درب خروج اضطراري باشند. شما مي توانيد آن صندلي را درخواست نماييد.
"Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?"
"آيا صندلي کنار درب خروج اضطراري داريد؟"
"Can I have a seat closest to the emergency exit?"
"مي توانم صندلي در نزديک ترين جا به درب خروج اضطراري داشته باشم؟"
نکته آموزشي:
Closest صفت عالي صفت close است. براي اطلاع بيشتر به بخش آموزش دستور سايت مراجعه نماييد اما نکته مهم اينجاست که تلفظ فعل close با صفت close متفاوت است. حتما تلفظ آن را در يک فرهنگ لغت، ترجيحا صوتي، مطالعه نماييد.
اگر داشته باشند، شما صندلي کنار خروجي به دست مي آوريد، اما اگر نداشته باشند، سعي مي کنند صندلي که نزديک آن را به شما بدهند.
"All the seats next to the exit have been taken. I have a seat directly in front of it. Would you like that one?"
"تمام صندلي هاي مجاور درب خروج رزرو شده. من يک صندلي درست مقابل آن دارم. آن را مي خواهيد؟"
بعد از همه اين مراحل، آن ها شماره درب ورود به هواپيما و زمان سوار شدن را به شما مي گويند.
"Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you."
"اين بليط هاي شما است. شماره درب وارد شدن به هواپيما در انتهاي بليط (قرار دارد) نوشته شده است. آن ها ۲۰ دقيقه قبل از زمان حرکت شروع به سوار کردن مي نمايند. شما بايد تا آن موقع به درب سي ۲ (C2) اطلاع دهيد. سي ۲ پايين نزديک و پايين راهرو است. متشکرم."
معمولا به شما گفته مي شود که از کدام در وارد هواپيما شويد ولي اگر نياز باشد که شما دوباره بپرسيد مي توانيد از
سوالات زير استفاده کنيد
"Which gate did you say it was?"
"What was the gate number again?"
"Can you point me towards the gate?"
"How do I get to the gate again?"
"How do I get to gate C2?"
"Where is gate C2
گروهي غذا خوردن در طول سفر هاي تجاري
Eating during the Business Trip
در بعضي از سفر هاي تجاري وقتي به صورت گروهي براي صرف غذا برويد بايد بتوانيد با ديگران صحبت کنيد زيرا در يک گروه ممکن است هر کس يک سليقه اي داشته ياشد و يا حتي گرسنه نباشد
"What kind of food do you guys want to eat today?"
"Anybody want to go for lunch?"
"I'm going to lunch. Anybody want to join me?"
"Let's go in 20 minutes. I have to finish this real quick."
"I can't make it. I have to finish this and it will take me another 30 minutes
make it= يعني سر وقت رسيدن
مثال = If we run, we should make it.
"I'm going to pass today. I brought a bagel with me."
"I have a small sandwich. I'm just going to eat here."
"Where should we have dinner tonight?"
"Hey, let's go to the Italian restaurant next to the hotel."
"We can either go to the steak house in the hotel, or the Italian restaurant next door
صحبت در مورد بانک _ تبديل پول:
مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگليسي - مکالمات سفر
Bank - Currency Exchange
وقتي به کشور ديگر سفر مي کنيد نيازي نيست که حساب در بانک باز کنيد مي توانيد سوالات زير را بپرسيد
"Do you exchange foreign currency?"
"What is your exchange rate for the Korean Won?"
"Can I cash my traveler's checks here?"
"The exchange rate is .0009 cents for one won."
I would like to exchange 500,000 won please
دادن سفارش در رستوران :
Regular Restaurant Ordering
وقتي در رستوران نشسته ايد اولين موردي که از شما پرسيده مي شود اين است که چه چيزي مي نوشيد؟
"Can I get you a drink?"
"Can I get a drink for you?"
"Would you like to order a drink now?"
"Can I get a drink started for you?"
"What would you like to drink?"
"I'll take a coke."
"I'll have an orange juice."
"Water will be fine."
"Can I have a glass of water?"
وقتي نوشيدنيتان را آوردند از شما در مورد دستور غذايي را مي پرسند علت اين کار اين است که بيشتر مردم مي دانند چه مي خواهند بنوشند اما براي دستور دادن غذا به زمان بيشتري نياز دارند
"May I take your order?"
"What would you like to order?"
"Are you ready to order?"
"What would you like today?"
اگر به زمان بيشتري نياز داشتيد به راحتي مي توانيد بگوييد
"Can I have a couple more minutes?"
وقتي که آماده دستور بوديد فقط کافي است که آن را بخوانيد
"I'll take the Salisbury steak with hash browns."
با توجه به غذايي که انتخاب کرده ايد ممکن است موارد ديگري از شما سوال شود بنابراين با دقت منوي غذايي را مطالعه فرماييد و به سوالاتي که از شما پرسيده مي شود توجه کنيد
"Would you like toast, a muffin, or a cornbread?"
وقتي اولين بار به رستوراني مي رويد از شما خواهند پرسيد که همه چيز خوب است در اين لحظه شما مي توانيد نظرتان را مطرح کنيد سوالاتي که مي پرسند
"How is everything?"
"Is everything ok?"
"How is your dinner?"
"How is your lunch?"
"Are you guys doing ok?"
"Do you need anything else?"
وقتي غذايتان تمام شد از شما براي دسر سوال مي کنند
"Would you like dessert today?"
"Would you like our dessert menu?"
"Would you like to order any dessert?"
"Any dessert for you today?"
"Would you like to hear our dessert special?"
هنگامي که مي خواهيد درخواست صورت حساب کنيد به اطراف نگاه مي کنيد واز گارسون مي خواهيد که آن را برايتان بياورد
"Can I have my check?"
"Can I have my bill?"
"I'm ready for my bill."
"I would like my check please
صحبت در مورد رستوران _فست فود :
Fast Food
فست فود
در رستوران هاي فست فود ابتدا به پيشخوان مي رويد ، دستور غذا مي دهيد و همان لحظه صورتحساب غذا را پرداخت مي کنيد
عبارات زير را مطالعه فرماييد
"Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
"I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke."
"One Big Mac and one small coke. Will that be all?"
"Will that be for here or to go?"
"For here please."
"The total comes to $3.87."
متداول ترين اشتباه اين است که پاسخ " yes " يا " No" بدهيد مثلا هنکامي که صندوق دار مي پرسد
for here or to go پاسخ بله يا خير اشتباه است.
در بيشتر رستوران هاي فست فود دستور غذايي دادن آسان است
"I'll take number 2."
"Would you like medium, large, or super size?"
"Medium please
سوال وجواب براي گرفتن آدرس _ تمرين :
Regular Practice
Question: "Excuse me. I’m looking for a supermarket. Do you know where the closest one is?"
Answer: "Yes. It is a couple miles away. What you want to do is go down this street for about a mile. At 112th street, turn left. Stay on 112th until you pass three lights. You should see 56th street. Turn right and you will see the supermarket just around the corner."
Question: "Excuse me. Do you know where Starbucks is located?"
Answer: "Yes. Go down this street. When you reach a ‘T’, turn right. At the next stop sign, turn left. You’ll see a gas station on your left. Starbucks is directly across the street."
Question: "Excuse me. I’m looking for Best Western. Wasn’t there one around here?"
Answer: "Yeah. Let me think… the best way to get there is by turning right at the next street. Immediately take another right on the next street. Go for about 2 miles. When you see Greenwood Avenue, turn left. Head down Greenwood for about 3 miles. I believe it will be on your left hand side. If you pass a school, that means you went too far."
Question: "Excuse me. How do I get to the airport from here?"
Answer: "Turn around and you’ll see an entrance to the freeway. Go south. You’ll have to go for about 15 miles. You should see airport signs, but just in case, it is exit number 154. Turn right off the ramp and it will be straight ahead
سوال براي گرفتن آدرس يا نشاني :
Asking for Directions
گرفتن آدرس
"Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?"
"Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?"
"Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre?"
"Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?"
"Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?"
"Excuse me. I’m looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?"
"Excuse me. I’m looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?"
"Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?"
جواب ها
Take a Left/Right
"Take a left at the next light."
"Take a right at the gas station."
"When you get to Robson Street, take a left."
"After you pass 7-11, take a right at the next light."
"Take a left when you come to a stop sign."
Turn Left/Right
"Turn right on 112th."
"Turn left after you pass McDonalds."
"When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street."
"Turn left at the next street and immediately take another left."
Just/Right around the corner
"It’s just right around the corner on the left side."
"It’s right around the corner from the Starbucks over there."
"Go down the street, turn left on Williams Street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station."
Go for five blocks/After three blocks
"After you turn right, go for five blocks and turn left. It will be right around the corner."
"After three blocks, turn left. You will see it on your right hand side."
"Go for four blocks and then turn right."
Across the street from/Directly across
"It’s across the street from the library."
"It’s directly across from Taco Bell."
"Go for three blocks, turn left at the next light. You’ll see it across the street from McDonalds."
"Go down the street. You’ll see it directly across from the gas station."
Go for 2 miles
"It’s pretty far from here. Go on Washington Street for about 2 miles. You’ll see it next to a school."
"Turn right at the stop sign and go straight for a couple of miles. At 112th turn left. You’ll see it on your right hand side."
"Go straight on this street for about 3 miles. You’ll see it next to Wendy’s."
On the third light
"Go down this street, after you pass two stop lights, turn right on the third light. You’ll see it right around the corner."
"Head down Madison Street and on the fourth light, turn left. You should see it immediately."
"Turn right on Jackson. Keep going straight for three lights. When you see Burger King, turn left. It’s right there."
The ‘Y’
است منظور دو راهي است "Y" يک خياباني است که که به دو قسمت تقسيم ميشود. خيابان شبيه حرف "Y"
"Keep going down this street. Stay on the left side when you reach the ‘Y’. At the next light, turn right."
"Take a left on Jackson. At the ‘Y’ go to the right. It will be on your left hand side about a mile down that street."
"Go for about three miles on this street. At the ‘Y’ go to the left. You’ll see a blue house on your right. It’s right after that house."
The ‘T’
تقاطع T يک تقاطع سه راهي است که شما مي توانيد هم به چپ و هم به راست برويد. چون خيابان شبيه حرف T است مردم آن را تقاطع T مي نامند بعضي وقت ها هم ان را تقاطع T نمي نامند اسامي ديگر ي که براي يک سه راهي ممکن است بشنويد توصيفي تر وطولاني تر است
اين ها چند نمونه است
‘When the road ends…’
‘When you can’t go anymore…’
‘Three way intersection…’
"در انتهاي جاده..."
"وقتي ديگر نمي توانيد مستقيم برويد..."
"سه راه(ي) ..."
"At the ‘T’ intersection, turn right. It is just around the corner."
"When you pass a gas station, you will come up to a ‘T’. Take a left, and then an immediate right."
"Go down this road until it ends. Turn left at the ‘T’ and you will see the gas station on your right."
Dead end
اين يک لغت مربوط به جهت نيست، بن بست (dead end) راهي است که فقط يک ورودي دارد. به اين معنا که تنها راه خروج همان راهي است که از آن وارد شديد. همه بن بست ها يک تابلو راهنما با لغت "بن بست" (Dead End) دارند.
"Turn right on 117th. It’s a dead end. We are on the right hand side at the end of the street."
"There are three places to turn right. The second one is a dead end so make sure you don’t go in there."
"I live in a dead end street. It’s nice because there isn’t much traffic
مکالمه در مورد هتل :
Hotel – Interactive Practice
A: “Thank you for calling Great Hotel. How may I help you?”
B: “I would like to rent a room, but how much do you charge a night?”
A: “Our prices start at $79 a night for a standard room.”
B: “Great. Can you reserve a room for me?”
A: “Sure. What day are you coming in?”
B: “I will be checking in on August 3rd.”
A: “How many days do you need the room for?”
B: “I’ll need it for three nights.”
A: “Ok. I have you coming in on the 3rd of August and checking out on the 6th. Is that correct?”
B: “Yes.”
A: “How many total adults?”
B: “Two adults and two kids.”
A: “How old are the children?”
B: “۱۰ and 12.”
A: “Would you like one room or two rooms?”
B: “Just one is fine.”
A: “Would you like a smoking room or a non smoking room?”
B: “Non smoking room please.”
A: “Can I have your last name?”
B: “Park.”
A: “Your first name”
B: “Young. That’s Y O U N G.”
A: “Let me confirm your information Mr. Park. I have one non smoking double room with 2 adults and 2 children from August 3rd to August 6th. Is this correct?”
B: “Yes.”
A: “The total comes to $256.78. Can I get your credit card number?”
B: “Sure. It is 444444444444.”
A: “What is the name on the credit card?”
B: “Young Park.”
A: “I have the room reserved for you. If you need to cancel, please call us 24 hours before your check in date. Failure to cancel will result in a one day charge on your credit card. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
B: “Yes, one more question. What time can we check in.”
A: “We can check you in by 2:00pm.”
B: “Great. Thank you.”
A: “Thank you and have a great day.”
B: “Thanks. Bye”
A: “Good bye
صحبت در مورد تحويل گرفتن وتخليه کردن اتاق در هتل:
Checking In and Checking Out
تخليه هتل
براي تحويل گرفتن اتاق شما بايد به پيشخوان برويد و از جملات زير استفاده کنيد
"Hi, I am checking in."
"Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in."
هنگام تحويل گرفتن کليد اتاق ممکن سوالات زير برايتان پيش بيايد
"Where is the elevator?"
"Do you have concierge service here?"
"Do you have a map of the city?"
"What time should I check out by?"
"What time is check out?
براي تخليه اتاق کافي است از جمله زير استفاده کنيد
"I am checking out."
و به شما خواهند گفت
"Thank you for staying with us. We look forward to seeing you again
صحبت در مورد رزرو کردن اتاق در هتل :
Making a Reservation
معمولا قبل از رفتن به هتل بايد اتاقي رزرو کنيد براي اين کار با بخش پذيرش هتل تماس مي گيريد واتاقي رززو مي کنيد مي توانيد ابتدا از قيمت سوال کنيد
"Hi, how much are your rooms?"
"Hi, what are your rates?"
"Hello, how much is a room?"
"Our rooms start at $79 for a basic room."
"Our rooms start at $79 for a standard room and go up to $300 for a suite."
"Ok. Can I reserve a room?"
"Hi, I would like to reserve a room."
"Hello, can I reserve a couple of rooms?"
اولين چيزي که مي پرسند روز و تاريخي است که مي خواهيد رزرو کنيد
"What day do you want to check in?"
"Which date did you want to reserve?"
"What date are you looking for?"
"I want a room from June 22nd to June 25th."
"I would like a room for the 19th of July."
"How long will you be staying with us?"
"When will you be checking out?"
"How many days would you like the room for?"
"I am going to stay for 3 days."
"I would like to reserve the room for 4 days."
"I am going to need the room until July 23rd."
سوالات بعدي در مورد تعداد اتاق ها و افراد است
"How many rooms will you need?"
"Is this for only one room?"
"How many rooms would you like to reserve?"
"How many rooms should I reserve for you?"
"I will only need one room."
"I am going to need two rooms."
"How many adults will be in your party?"
"How many total children will be with you?"
"Just two adults."
"A total of four adults."
"I will be alone."
"A total of 2 adults and 2 children."
"One adult and 2 children."
بعد از آن از نوع اتاق و تختخوابي که شما مي خواهيد سوال مي شود
"Would you like a single king size bed, or two double size beds in the room?"
"Will a single king size bed be ok?"
"We only have a room with two double size beds. Will that be ok?"
"Do you want a smoking room or a non smoking room?"
"Do you prefer a smoking or non smoking room?"
"I would like a smoking room."
"Can I have a non smoking room?"
"Either is fine."
"I don’t have a preference."
سر اخر تمام اطلاعات را براي شما تکرار مي کنند
"Ok, Mr. Lee. I have one smoking room reserved for July 19th till July 22nd. The total comes to $256.78 after tax. If you need to cancel, please call us 24 hours before July 19th. Can I help you with anything else
مکالمه در مورد اجاره کردن ماشين :
A: “Hello, ABC Car Rental. How can I help you?”
B: “Hi, I wanted to make a reservation.”
A: “What location would you like to rent from?”
B: “I am flying into Los Angeles Airport. Do you have a booth there?”
A: “Yes we do. What date are you flying in?”
B: “I am arriving on June 22nd.”
A: “What time is your arrival time?”
B: “I am scheduled to arrive at 2 pm.”
A: “How long would you like to rent the vehicle?”
B: “I will need it for 10 days.”
A: “What size car would you like?”
B: “A midsize car please.”
A: “Can I get your name?”
B: “Yes. My name is Sang Min Lee.”
A: “Can you spell that?”
B: “Last name is L E E. First name is S A N G. Middle initial is M.”
A: “Great. Thank you. I have reserved a midsize car for you for June 22nd until July 1st. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
B: “That will be all.”
A: “Thank you for calling.”
B: “Thank you. Bye.”
A: “How can I help you today?”
B: “I would like to rent a car.”
A: “Do you have a reservation?”
B: “No.”
A: “That’s alright. Let’s see what we can find. We have several cars to choose from. What size are you looking for?”
B: “What are my options?”
A: “A compact car, midsize car, and a minivan.”
B: “How much are they?”
A: “Compact is $2.1.95 a day, midsize is $27.95 a day, and a minivan is 35.95 a day.”
B: “I’ll take a midsize car.”
A: “How long will you be renting the car?”
B: “One week.”
A: “How many people will be driving the car?”
B: “Just myself.”
A: “Would you like insurance?”
B: “How much is it?”
A: “It is $14.95 a day and it covers everything regardless of fault.”
B: “Yes please.”
A: “Can I have your name?”
B: “Last name is Lee. L E E. First name is Sang. S A N G.”
A: “You address please?”
B: “I am from Korea. Would you like my address in Korea?”
A: “Just the city name.”
B: “Seoul, Korea.”
A: “Can I see your driver’s license and a credit card?”
B: “Sure. Here it is.”
A: “Great. That will be $324.92. Would you like me to charge it on this card?”
B: “Yes. That will be fine.”
A: “Please sign here. You can pick up your car downstairs. Your expected time to return the car is June 29th. That is exactly one week. Show the attendant this invoice. When you return the car, bring this invoice with you. Also, the gas tank is full, you should fill up the gas tank before you return. If you don’t want to, we can do it for $3 a gallon. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
B: “That will be all. Thank you.”
A: “Thank you. Good bye
صحبت در مورد اجاره ماشين در سفر در مکالملت انگليسي :
Car Availability
اجاره ماشين در مسافرت امري متداول است اگر شما در فرودگاه باشيد مي توانيد از کارمند آنجا در مورد اينکه از کجا
مي توانيد ماشين اجاره کنيد بپرسيد
"where is the rental car booth?"
"where can I rent a car?"
وقتي به جايي که مي توانيد ماشين اجاره کنيد رفتيد مي توانيد بپرسيد که ماشيني آماده دارند
"Hi. I would like to rent a car."
"Do you have any cars available?"
ممکن بپرسند که آيا شما از قبل رزرو کرده ايد
"Did you make a reservation?"
اگر ماشيني آماده نداشته باشند مي گويند
"I’m sorry, we do not have any cars available today."
معمولا هر فرودگاهي بيش از يک پيشخوان براي اجاره ماشين دارد بنابراين مي توانيد به پيشخوان بعدي مراجعه کنيد وسوال خود را تکرار کنيد
اگر ماشين آماده براي اجاره داشتند از اندازه و نوع ماشيني که مي خواهيد خواهند پرسيد
"What size car would you like?"
"What type of car would you like?"
"What type of car do you need?"
"What sizes do you have?"
"What are my options?"
"We have compact, midsize, full size, luxury, SUV, and a minivan."
"How much is the full size car?"
"How much is the midsize car?"
"How many does the full size car seat?"
"How many can fit in the midsize car?"
"I’ll take a midsize car."
بعد از اينکه ماشيني که شما خواسته بوديد را آماده کردند از شما مي پرسند که براي چه مدت آن را مي خواهيد اجاره کنيد
"How long will you be needing the car?"
"How long will you be renting the car?"
"When do you need the car till?"
"I’ll need the car for two weeks."
"I want to rent it for one week."
"I need it for 4 days."
"I need it for just a day."
ممکن از شما بخواهند فرمي را پر کنيد يا حتي سوالات ديگري از شما بپرسند
"What is your last name?"
"What is your first name?"
"Are you a United States resident?"
"What country are you from?"
"What is your address?"
قبل از اينکه قيمت اجاره را به شما بدهند از شما مي پرسند که مي خواهيد بيمه کنيد يا اينکه بيمه داريد
"Would you like insurance on the car?"
"How much is insurance?"
همچنين از شما خواهند پرسيد که راننده چه کسي است
"Who is going to be the driver?"
"How many people are going to drive?"
"Are all the drivers at least 25 years old?"
شما بايد گواهي نامه خود را همراه داشته باشيد
"Can I see your driver’s license?"
"May I have your driver’s license?"
"I will need to see your driver’s license."
سرانجام قيمت را به شما خواهند گفت
"The total will be $184.19.
وقتي که پول را پرداختيد به شما قوانين را توضيح خواهند داد
"The gas tank is full. You should fill it up before you return the car. If you do not, then we charge $3 a gallon."
"You can pick up your car downstairs. Just show them the invoice and they will have your car ready for you."
"You will need to return it by 4pm on the 16th. We charge an additional $8 for every four hours that you are late. Return it to the same place you pick up the car."
"Please keep this form in the car. Bring it with you when you return the vehicle
سوالات و جواب هاي پرسيده شده مربوط به فرودگاه در مکالمات زبان انگليسي :
At the Counter
در فرودگاه وقتي که به پيشخوان چک کردن بليط مي رسيد، شما بايد بليط و پاسپورت خود را به متصدي تحويل دهيد. اولين سوالي که آن ها معمولا مي پرسند اين است که چند نفر همراه شما دارند مسافرت مي کنند.
ترجمه متن بالا:
"Is anybody traveling with you today?"
" آيا در حال حاضر کسي با شما مسافرت مي کند؟"
"Is anybody else traveling with you?"
" آيا شخص ديگري در حال مسافرت با شما است؟"
"Are just you two traveling today?"
" آيا در حال حاضر فقط شما دو نفر درحال مسافرت کردنيد؟"
همه خطوط هوايي يک ليست سوال دارند که بايد از شما بپرسند. بياييد به چند سوال نگاهي بندازيم.
"Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?"
"آيا کسي که شما نمي شناسيدش از شما خواسته که با خودتان چيزي را به داخل هواپيما ببريد؟"
"Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?"
"آيا از لحظه اي که چمدان هايتان را بستيد آن ها را در اختيار داشتيد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
کلمهluggage يک اسم غير قابل شمارش است و با توجه به معني جمله مي توان جمع يا مفرد بودن آن را تشخيص داد.
"Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?"
"آيا چمدان هايتان را تنها و بدون اينکه کسي مراقبشان باشد در فرودگاه ول کرديد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
اصطلاح at all براي تاکيد در جملات منفي يا سوالي به کار مي رود و مي تواند به معناي "اصلا" و "ابدا" باشد يا فقط جنبه تاکيد داشته باشد
"Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?"
" آيا شما هيچ گونه سلاح يا اسلحه گرمي با خود داريد؟ "
نکته آموزشي:
هر يک از علامت هاي " ، علامت کوتيشن مارک يا نقل قول ،quotation mark، نام دارد که جزء نشانه هاي نقطه گذاري (مثل نقطه و کاما است). به ياد داشته باشيد که تمام نشانه هاي نقطه گذاري (مثل نقطه، علامت سوال و کاما و غيره). درون " " قرار مي گيرند و نه خارج آن، بنابر اين جمله اي به صورت:
"Are you carrying any weapons or firearms"?
که علامت سوال خارج از " " قرار گرفته از لحاظ قوانين نقطه گذاري اشتباه مي باشد.
"Are you carrying any flammable material?"
"آيا هر گونه ماده قابل اشتعالي با خود داريد؟ "
"Do you have any perishable food items?"
"آيا شما هرگونه کالاي خوراکي فاسد شدني داريد؟ "
اگر شما متوجه معناي جمله ها نشويد نمي توانيد جواب بله يا خير به همه آن ها بدهيد.
"How many luggage are you checking in?"
"چند عدد چمدان را داريد تحويل مي دهيد؟ "
نکته آموزشي:
Check in در اينجا به معني تحويل دادن مي باشد. مثال:
"did you check in your baggage"
"چمدان هايت را تحويل دادي؟"
"Do you have a carry on?"
"آيا چمدان دستي (کوچکي) داريد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
”a” در جمله بالا معني "يک" نمي دهد بلکه به عنوان "ي" نکره به کار بره شده است. به مثال زير توجه نماييد:
" I see a man" يعني: "مردي را مي بينم" است.
هميشه به اين نکته مهم توجه داشته باشيد که براي ترجمه نبايد اولين معني که به ذهنمان مي رسد را به کار ببريم، بايد سعي نماييم که هرکلمه اي را حتي اگر فکر مي کنيم معناي آن کلمه را مي دانيم در فرهنگ لغت مناسب چک نماييم. براي کسب مهارت بيشتر در ترجمه و آموزش ترجمه، به مطالب بخش اتاق ترجمه که برگرفته از "مجله وزين مترجم " مي باشد مراجعه نماييد.
"Can you place your baggage up here?"
"مي توانيد چمدان هايتان را اين بالا قرار دهيد؟"
"How many carry on bags are you taking with you?"
"چند ساک دستي با خودتان داريد؟"
بعد، آن ها ممکن است بپرسند که آيا شما صندلي طرف راهرو را ترجيح مي دهيد يا طرف پنجره را؟
"Do you prefer window or aisle?"
" طرف پنجره را ترجيح مي دهيد يا راهرو را؟"
اگر صندلي هاي طرف راهرو تمام شده باشد، آن ها از شما مي پرسند، طرف پنجره مناسب است؟
"We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?"
" هيچ صندلي طرف راهرو باقي نمانده. آيا صندلي طرف پنجره براي شما مناسب است يا يک صندلي در رديف وسط را ترجيح مي دهيد؟"
بعضي افراد دوست دارند که کنار درب خروج اضطراري باشند. شما مي توانيد آن صندلي را درخواست نماييد.
"Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?"
"آيا صندلي کنار درب خروج اضطراري داريد؟"
"Can I have a seat closest to the emergency exit?"
"مي توانم صندلي در نزديک ترين جا به درب خروج اضطراري داشته باشم؟"
نکته آموزشي:
Closest صفت عالي صفت close است. براي اطلاع بيشتر به بخش آموزش دستور سايت مراجعه نماييد اما نکته مهم اينجاست که تلفظ فعل close با صفت close متفاوت است. حتما تلفظ آن را در يک فرهنگ لغت، ترجيحا صوتي، مطالعه نماييد.
اگر داشته باشند، شما صندلي کنار خروجي به دست مي آوريد، اما اگر نداشته باشند، سعي مي کنند صندلي که نزديک آن را به شما بدهند.
"All the seats next to the exit have been taken. I have a seat directly in front of it. Would you like that one?"
"تمام صندلي هاي مجاور درب خروج رزرو شده. من يک صندلي درست مقابل آن دارم. آن را مي خواهيد؟"
بعد از همه اين مراحل، آن ها شماره درب ورود به هواپيما و زمان سوار شدن را به شما مي گويند.
"Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you."
"اين بليط هاي شما است. شماره درب وارد شدن به هواپيما در انتهاي بليط (قرار دارد) نوشته شده است. آن ها ۲۰ دقيقه قبل از زمان حرکت شروع به سوار کردن مي نمايند. شما بايد تا آن موقع به درب سي ۲ (C2) اطلاع دهيد. سي ۲ پايين نزديک و پايين راهرو است. متشکرم."
معمولا به شما گفته مي شود که از کدام در وارد هواپيما شويد ولي اگر نياز باشد که شما دوباره بپرسيد مي توانيد از
سوالات زير استفاده کنيد
"Which gate did you say it was?"
"What was the gate number again?"
"Can you point me towards the gate?"
"How do I get to the gate again?"
"How do I get to gate C2?"
"Where is gate C2
مکالمه در فرودگاه :
Airport – Interactive Practice
A: “Welcome. May I have your tickets?”
B: “Here you go.”
A: “Is anybody else traveling with you two?”
B: “No. It’s just us.”
A: “Do you have your passports with you?”
B: “Yes. Here it is.”
A: “I’m going to ask you a series of questions. Please respond with a yes or a no.”
B: “Ok.”
A: “Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?”
B: “No.”
A: “Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?”
B: “Yes.”
A: “Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?”
B: “No.”
A: “Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?”
B: “No.”
A: “Are you carrying any flammable material?”
B: “No.”
A: “Do you have any perishable food items?”
B: “No.”
A: “Great. Can you place your baggage over here?”
B: “Sure.”
A: “Would you like an aisle or a window seat?”
B: “Window seat please.”
A: “Ok. I am placing you two in 21A and 21B. The gate number is C2. It is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. C2 is located around the corner through the hall. Thank you.”
B: “Can you point me to gate C2?”
A: “Sure. It’s that way. Around that corner.”
B: “Great. Thank you
تغيير دادن تاريخ حرکت :
Departing Date
وقتي مي خواهيد تاريخ حرکت بليط خود را تغيير دهيد بايد با شرکت هواپيمايي تماس بگيريد
"I have an open ended ticket and I would like to schedule a departure date."
"I have a ticket and I need to schedule a departure date."
"I am scheduled to depart on June 15th. Can I change this to a later date?"
"I have a ticket to depart on June 15th. I would like to see if there is an earlier flight available."
واز شما پرسيده مي شود که چه تاريخي را براي حرکت انتخاب کرده ايد
"What date would you like to depart?"
"What date would you like to change it to?"
"When do you want to depart?
جواب هايي که مي دهيد بايد تاريخ حرکت را مشخص کند
"I would like to leave on June 22nd."
"Is June 22nd available?"
"Can you check if June 22nd is possible?"
"I was hoping to reserve a seat for June 22nd."
نمونه پاسخ هايي که به شما خواهند داد مانند زير مي باشد
"Yes. We have seats available for the 22nd. Would you like me to reserve them?"
"On the 22nd, the departure time is 1:00pm. Should I reserve them?"
"We have two flights departing on that date. Would you like to depart at 10am or 7pm?"
"I’m sorry, but we do not have any available seats on the 22nd. Should I put you on the waiting list?"
"I’m sorry, there are no departures for the 22nd. We have a flight leaving on the 21st and the 24th. Will either of these days work for you?"
"The 22nd is full. The next available flight is on the 23rd. Would you like me to reserve a seat on that date
زمان پرواز را تاييد کردن :
Confirming your Flight
وقتي قصد داريد با هواپيما پرواز کنيد معمولا براي تاييد کردن بليط بايد چند روز زود تر با شرکت هواپيمايي تماس بگيريد در اينچا سوالاتي که مي توانيد بپرسيد را آورده ايم
You: "I would like to confirm my flight."
Them: "Can I get your ticket number?"
You: "The number is 45-6-43."
Them: "You are scheduled to depart on June 15th at 1:00 pm. Is this correct?"
You: "Yes it is."
Them: "Is anybody else traveling with you?"
You: "Yes, my wife."
Them: "Can I have the other ticket number?"
You: "It is 45-6-44."
Them: "Your tickets have been confirmed. Please arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departs. Thank you for calling."
ساير سوالاتي که ممکن در فرودگاه بشنويد
"Would you like to book your seats now?"
"Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?"
"What is your ticket number?"
"What is your last name?"
"What is your first name
مکالمه در رستوران :
At the Restaurant - Interactive Practice
A: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
B: "I'll take the number one."
A: "What size would you like?"
B: "Medium please."
A: "Will that be for here or to go?"
B: "Here please."
A: "The total comes to $4.89. We'll have that right out for you."
A: "Can I get a drink started for you?"
B: "I'll take a coke."
A: "One coke. I'll be right out with your coke."
--Pause-- "Here's is your coke. Are you ready to order?"
B: "Can I have one more minute?"
A: "Sure. I'll be back in a little bit."
--Pause-- "Do you need more time?"
B: "I'm ready now. I'll have the Patty Melt with fries."
A: "Do you want regular fries or steak fries?"
B: "Steak fries please."
A: "I'll have that out for you in a few minutes."
--Pause-- "Here you go. Do you need anything else?"
B: "Can I have a bottle of ketchup?"
A: "I have one right here."
B: "Great. Thanks."
A: "Is everything ok here?"
B: "Yes. Thank you."
--Pause-- "Excuse me. Can I have my bill?"
A: "Sure. Here you go
مکالمه در فروشگاه :
store and More - Interactive Practice
A: "Do you need help finding anything?"
B: "I'm looking for this shirt in a small."
A: "Let me see if we have any in the back."
B: "Thank you."
A: "I found a couple. Here you go."
B: "Thank you. Do you sell belts here?"
A: "Yes. They are on the other side of the counter there."
B: "Thank you."
A: "You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything else."
A: "Do you have disposable cameras?"
B: "Yes. They are next to the film on aisle 6A."
A: "Which way is 6A?"
B: "Two rows that way."
A: "Great. Thank you."
A: "Hi. I would like to send this to Korea."
B: "How would you like to send it?"
A: "What is the price difference?"
B: "You can send it priority airmail for $17.68 or regular airmail for $13.95."
A: "I'll send it through regular airmail."
B: "Is there any food items in here?"
A: "No."
B: "Is there any firearms or explosives?"
A: "No."
B: "Is there anything fragile?"
A: "No."
B: "Would you like to insure the contents?"
A: "How much is insurance?"
صحبت در مورد بانک _ تبديل پول :
مکالمه / آموزش مکالمه زبان انگليسي - مکالمات سفر
Bank - Currency Exchange
وقتي به کشور ديگر سفر مي کنيد نيازي نيست که حساب در بانک باز کنيد مي توانيد سوالات زير را بپرسيد
"Do you exchange foreign currency?"
"What is your exchange rate for the Korean Won?"
"Can I cash my traveler's checks here?"
"The exchange rate is .0009 cents for one won."
I would like to exchange 500,000 won please
دادن سفارش در رستوران :
Regular Restaurant Ordering
وقتي در رستوران نشسته ايد اولين موردي که از شما پرسيده مي شود اين است که چه چيزي مي نوشيد؟
"Can I get you a drink?"
"Can I get a drink for you?"
"Would you like to order a drink now?"
"Can I get a drink started for you?"
"What would you like to drink?"
"I'll take a coke."
"I'll have an orange juice."
"Water will be fine."
"Can I have a glass of water?"
وقتي نوشيدنيتان را آوردند از شما در مورد دستور غذايي را مي پرسند علت اين کار اين است که بيشتر مردم مي دانند چه مي خواهند بنوشند اما براي دستور دادن غذا به زمان بيشتري نياز دارند
"May I take your order?"
"What would you like to order?"
"Are you ready to order?"
"What would you like today?"
اگر به زمان بيشتري نياز داشتيد به راحتي مي توانيد بگوييد
"Can I have a couple more minutes?"
وقتي که آماده دستور بوديد فقط کافي است که آن را بخوانيد
"I'll take the Salisbury steak with hash browns."
با توجه به غذايي که انتخاب کرده ايد ممکن است موارد ديگري از شما سوال شود بنابراين با دقت منوي غذايي را مطالعه فرماييد و به سوالاتي که از شما پرسيده مي شود توجه کنيد
"Would you like toast, a muffin, or a cornbread?"
وقتي اولين بار به رستوراني مي رويد از شما خواهند پرسيد که همه چيز خوب است در اين لحظه شما مي توانيد نظرتان را مطرح کنيد سوالاتي که مي پرسند
"How is everything?"
"Is everything ok?"
"How is your dinner?"
"How is your lunch?"
"Are you guys doing ok?"
"Do you need anything else?"
وقتي غذايتان تمام شد از شما براي دسر سوال مي کنند
"Would you like dessert today?"
"Would you like our dessert menu?"
"Would you like to order any dessert?"
"Any dessert for you today?"
"Would you like to hear our dessert special?"
هنگامي که مي خواهيد درخواست صورت حساب کنيد به اطراف نگاه مي کنيد واز گارسون مي خواهيد که آن را برايتان بياورد
"Can I have my check?"
"Can I have my bill?"
"I'm ready for my bill."
"I would like my check please
صحبت در مورد رستوران _فست فود :
Fast Food
فست فود
در رستوران هاي فست فود ابتدا به پيشخوان مي رويد ، دستور غذا مي دهيد و همان لحظه صورتحساب غذا را پرداخت مي کنيد
عبارات زير را مطالعه فرماييد
"Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
"I'll take a Big Mac and a small coke."
"One Big Mac and one small coke. Will that be all?"
"Will that be for here or to go?"
"For here please."
"The total comes to $3.87."
متداول ترين اشتباه اين است که پاسخ " yes " يا " No" بدهيد مثلا هنکامي که صندوق دار مي پرسد
for here or to go پاسخ بله يا خير اشتباه است.
در بيشتر رستوران هاي فست فود دستور غذايي دادن آسان است
"I'll take number 2."
"Would you like medium, large, or super size?"
"Medium please
سوال وجواب براي گرفتن آدرس _ تمرين :
Regular Practice
Question: "Excuse me. I’m looking for a supermarket. Do you know where the closest one is?"
Answer: "Yes. It is a couple miles away. What you want to do is go down this street for about a mile. At 112th street, turn left. Stay on 112th until you pass three lights. You should see 56th street. Turn right and you will see the supermarket just around the corner."
Question: "Excuse me. Do you know where Starbucks is located?"
Answer: "Yes. Go down this street. When you reach a ‘T’, turn right. At the next stop sign, turn left. You’ll see a gas station on your left. Starbucks is directly across the street."
Question: "Excuse me. I’m looking for Best Western. Wasn’t there one around here?"
Answer: "Yeah. Let me think… the best way to get there is by turning right at the next street. Immediately take another right on the next street. Go for about 2 miles. When you see Greenwood Avenue, turn left. Head down Greenwood for about 3 miles. I believe it will be on your left hand side. If you pass a school, that means you went too far."
Question: "Excuse me. How do I get to the airport from here?"
Answer: "Turn around and you’ll see an entrance to the freeway. Go south. You’ll have to go for about 15 miles. You should see airport signs, but just in case, it is exit number 154. Turn right off the ramp and it will be straight ahead
سوال براي گرفتن آدرس يا نشاني :
Asking for Directions
گرفتن آدرس
"Excuse me. Do you know where the post office is?"
"Excuse me. Can you point me to the nearest gas station?"
"Excuse me. Can you give me quick directions to the movie theatre?"
"Excuse me. Do you know how to get to the Shopping mall from here?"
"Excuse me. How do I get to the freeway from here?"
"Excuse me. I’m looking for Bank of America. I thought it was around here. Do you know where it is?"
"Excuse me. I’m looking for the post office. Do you know how to get there?"
"Excuse me. What is the best way to get to Seattle?"
جواب ها
Take a Left/Right
"Take a left at the next light."
"Take a right at the gas station."
"When you get to Robson Street, take a left."
"After you pass 7-11, take a right at the next light."
"Take a left when you come to a stop sign."
Turn Left/Right
"Turn right on 112th."
"Turn left after you pass McDonalds."
"When you see a church on your left hand side, turn right on the next street."
"Turn left at the next street and immediately take another left."
Just/Right around the corner
"It’s just right around the corner on the left side."
"It’s right around the corner from the Starbucks over there."
"Go down the street, turn left on Williams Street, and it will be right around the corner from the gas station."
Go for five blocks/After three blocks
"After you turn right, go for five blocks and turn left. It will be right around the corner."
"After three blocks, turn left. You will see it on your right hand side."
"Go for four blocks and then turn right."
Across the street from/Directly across
"It’s across the street from the library."
"It’s directly across from Taco Bell."
"Go for three blocks, turn left at the next light. You’ll see it across the street from McDonalds."
"Go down the street. You’ll see it directly across from the gas station."
Go for 2 miles
"It’s pretty far from here. Go on Washington Street for about 2 miles. You’ll see it next to a school."
"Turn right at the stop sign and go straight for a couple of miles. At 112th turn left. You’ll see it on your right hand side."
"Go straight on this street for about 3 miles. You’ll see it next to Wendy’s."
On the third light
"Go down this street, after you pass two stop lights, turn right on the third light. You’ll see it right around the corner."
"Head down Madison Street and on the fourth light, turn left. You should see it immediately."
"Turn right on Jackson. Keep going straight for three lights. When you see Burger King, turn left. It’s right there."
The ‘Y’
است منظور دو راهي است "Y" يک خياباني است که که به دو قسمت تقسيم ميشود. خيابان شبيه حرف "Y"
"Keep going down this street. Stay on the left side when you reach the ‘Y’. At the next light, turn right."
"Take a left on Jackson. At the ‘Y’ go to the right. It will be on your left hand side about a mile down that street."
"Go for about three miles on this street. At the ‘Y’ go to the left. You’ll see a blue house on your right. It’s right after that house."
The ‘T’
تقاطع T يک تقاطع سه راهي است که شما مي توانيد هم به چپ و هم به راست برويد. چون خيابان شبيه حرف T است مردم آن را تقاطع T مي نامند بعضي وقت ها هم ان را تقاطع T نمي نامند اسامي ديگر ي که براي يک سه راهي ممکن است بشنويد توصيفي تر وطولاني تر است
اين ها چند نمونه است
‘When the road ends…’
‘When you can’t go anymore…’
‘Three way intersection…’
"در انتهاي جاده..."
"وقتي ديگر نمي توانيد مستقيم برويد..."
"سه راه(ي) ..."
"At the ‘T’ intersection, turn right. It is just around the corner."
"When you pass a gas station, you will come up to a ‘T’. Take a left, and then an immediate right."
"Go down this road until it ends. Turn left at the ‘T’ and you will see the gas station on your right."
Dead end
اين يک لغت مربوط به جهت نيست، بن بست (dead end) راهي است که فقط يک ورودي دارد. به اين معنا که تنها راه خروج همان راهي است که از آن وارد شديد. همه بن بست ها يک تابلو راهنما با لغت "بن بست" (Dead End) دارند.
"Turn right on 117th. It’s a dead end. We are on the right hand side at the end of the street."
"There are three places to turn right. The second one is a dead end so make sure you don’t go in there."
"I live in a dead end street. It’s nice because there isn’t much traffic
مکالمه در مورد هتل :
Hotel – Interactive Practice
A: “Thank you for calling Great Hotel. How may I help you?”
B: “I would like to rent a room, but how much do you charge a night?”
A: “Our prices start at $79 a night for a standard room.”
B: “Great. Can you reserve a room for me?”
A: “Sure. What day are you coming in?”
B: “I will be checking in on August 3rd.”
A: “How many days do you need the room for?”
B: “I’ll need it for three nights.”
A: “Ok. I have you coming in on the 3rd of August and checking out on the 6th. Is that correct?”
B: “Yes.”
A: “How many total adults?”
B: “Two adults and two kids.”
A: “How old are the children?”
B: “۱۰ and 12.”
A: “Would you like one room or two rooms?”
B: “Just one is fine.”
A: “Would you like a smoking room or a non smoking room?”
B: “Non smoking room please.”
A: “Can I have your last name?”
B: “Park.”
A: “Your first name”
B: “Young. That’s Y O U N G.”
A: “Let me confirm your information Mr. Park. I have one non smoking double room with 2 adults and 2 children from August 3rd to August 6th. Is this correct?”
B: “Yes.”
A: “The total comes to $256.78. Can I get your credit card number?”
B: “Sure. It is 444444444444.”
A: “What is the name on the credit card?”
B: “Young Park.”
A: “I have the room reserved for you. If you need to cancel, please call us 24 hours before your check in date. Failure to cancel will result in a one day charge on your credit card. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
B: “Yes, one more question. What time can we check in.”
A: “We can check you in by 2:00pm.”
B: “Great. Thank you.”
A: “Thank you and have a great day.”
B: “Thanks. Bye”
A: “Good bye
صحبت در مورد تحويل گرفتن وتخليه کردن اتاق در هتل:
Checking In and Checking Out
تخليه هتل
براي تحويل گرفتن اتاق شما بايد به پيشخوان برويد و از جملات زير استفاده کنيد
"Hi, I am checking in."
"Hi, I have a reservation and I am checking in."
هنگام تحويل گرفتن کليد اتاق ممکن سوالات زير برايتان پيش بيايد
"Where is the elevator?"
"Do you have concierge service here?"
"Do you have a map of the city?"
"What time should I check out by?"
"What time is check out?
براي تخليه اتاق کافي است از جمله زير استفاده کنيد
"I am checking out."
و به شما خواهند گفت
"Thank you for staying with us. We look forward to seeing you again
صحبت در مورد رزرو کردن اتاق در هتل :
Making a Reservation
معمولا قبل از رفتن به هتل بايد اتاقي رزرو کنيد براي اين کار با بخش پذيرش هتل تماس مي گيريد واتاقي رززو مي کنيد مي توانيد ابتدا از قيمت سوال کنيد
"Hi, how much are your rooms?"
"Hi, what are your rates?"
"Hello, how much is a room?"
"Our rooms start at $79 for a basic room."
"Our rooms start at $79 for a standard room and go up to $300 for a suite."
"Ok. Can I reserve a room?"
"Hi, I would like to reserve a room."
"Hello, can I reserve a couple of rooms?"
اولين چيزي که مي پرسند روز و تاريخي است که مي خواهيد رزرو کنيد
"What day do you want to check in?"
"Which date did you want to reserve?"
"What date are you looking for?"
"I want a room from June 22nd to June 25th."
"I would like a room for the 19th of July."
"How long will you be staying with us?"
"When will you be checking out?"
"How many days would you like the room for?"
"I am going to stay for 3 days."
"I would like to reserve the room for 4 days."
"I am going to need the room until July 23rd."
سوالات بعدي در مورد تعداد اتاق ها و افراد است
"How many rooms will you need?"
"Is this for only one room?"
"How many rooms would you like to reserve?"
"How many rooms should I reserve for you?"
"I will only need one room."
"I am going to need two rooms."
"How many adults will be in your party?"
"How many total children will be with you?"
"Just two adults."
"A total of four adults."
"I will be alone."
"A total of 2 adults and 2 children."
"One adult and 2 children."
بعد از آن از نوع اتاق و تختخوابي که شما مي خواهيد سوال مي شود
"Would you like a single king size bed, or two double size beds in the room?"
"Will a single king size bed be ok?"
"We only have a room with two double size beds. Will that be ok?"
"Do you want a smoking room or a non smoking room?"
"Do you prefer a smoking or non smoking room?"
"I would like a smoking room."
"Can I have a non smoking room?"
"Either is fine."
"I don’t have a preference."
سر اخر تمام اطلاعات را براي شما تکرار مي کنند
"Ok, Mr. Lee. I have one smoking room reserved for July 19th till July 22nd. The total comes to $256.78 after tax. If you need to cancel, please call us 24 hours before July 19th. Can I help you with anything else
مکالمه در مورد اجاره کردن ماشين :
A: “Hello, ABC Car Rental. How can I help you?”
B: “Hi, I wanted to make a reservation.”
A: “What location would you like to rent from?”
B: “I am flying into Los Angeles Airport. Do you have a booth there?”
A: “Yes we do. What date are you flying in?”
B: “I am arriving on June 22nd.”
A: “What time is your arrival time?”
B: “I am scheduled to arrive at 2 pm.”
A: “How long would you like to rent the vehicle?”
B: “I will need it for 10 days.”
A: “What size car would you like?”
B: “A midsize car please.”
A: “Can I get your name?”
B: “Yes. My name is Sang Min Lee.”
A: “Can you spell that?”
B: “Last name is L E E. First name is S A N G. Middle initial is M.”
A: “Great. Thank you. I have reserved a midsize car for you for June 22nd until July 1st. Is there anything else I can help you with?”
B: “That will be all.”
A: “Thank you for calling.”
B: “Thank you. Bye.”
A: “How can I help you today?”
B: “I would like to rent a car.”
A: “Do you have a reservation?”
B: “No.”
A: “That’s alright. Let’s see what we can find. We have several cars to choose from. What size are you looking for?”
B: “What are my options?”
A: “A compact car, midsize car, and a minivan.”
B: “How much are they?”
A: “Compact is $2.1.95 a day, midsize is $27.95 a day, and a minivan is 35.95 a day.”
B: “I’ll take a midsize car.”
A: “How long will you be renting the car?”
B: “One week.”
A: “How many people will be driving the car?”
B: “Just myself.”
A: “Would you like insurance?”
B: “How much is it?”
A: “It is $14.95 a day and it covers everything regardless of fault.”
B: “Yes please.”
A: “Can I have your name?”
B: “Last name is Lee. L E E. First name is Sang. S A N G.”
A: “You address please?”
B: “I am from Korea. Would you like my address in Korea?”
A: “Just the city name.”
B: “Seoul, Korea.”
A: “Can I see your driver’s license and a credit card?”
B: “Sure. Here it is.”
A: “Great. That will be $324.92. Would you like me to charge it on this card?”
B: “Yes. That will be fine.”
A: “Please sign here. You can pick up your car downstairs. Your expected time to return the car is June 29th. That is exactly one week. Show the attendant this invoice. When you return the car, bring this invoice with you. Also, the gas tank is full, you should fill up the gas tank before you return. If you don’t want to, we can do it for $3 a gallon. Is there anything else I can do for you?”
B: “That will be all. Thank you.”
A: “Thank you. Good bye
صحبت در مورد اجاره ماشين در سفر در مکالملت انگليسي :
Car Availability
اجاره ماشين در مسافرت امري متداول است اگر شما در فرودگاه باشيد مي توانيد از کارمند آنجا در مورد اينکه از کجا
مي توانيد ماشين اجاره کنيد بپرسيد
"where is the rental car booth?"
"where can I rent a car?"
وقتي به جايي که مي توانيد ماشين اجاره کنيد رفتيد مي توانيد بپرسيد که ماشيني آماده دارند
"Hi. I would like to rent a car."
"Do you have any cars available?"
ممکن بپرسند که آيا شما از قبل رزرو کرده ايد
"Did you make a reservation?"
اگر ماشيني آماده نداشته باشند مي گويند
"I’m sorry, we do not have any cars available today."
معمولا هر فرودگاهي بيش از يک پيشخوان براي اجاره ماشين دارد بنابراين مي توانيد به پيشخوان بعدي مراجعه کنيد وسوال خود را تکرار کنيد
اگر ماشين آماده براي اجاره داشتند از اندازه و نوع ماشيني که مي خواهيد خواهند پرسيد
"What size car would you like?"
"What type of car would you like?"
"What type of car do you need?"
"What sizes do you have?"
"What are my options?"
"We have compact, midsize, full size, luxury, SUV, and a minivan."
"How much is the full size car?"
"How much is the midsize car?"
"How many does the full size car seat?"
"How many can fit in the midsize car?"
"I’ll take a midsize car."
بعد از اينکه ماشيني که شما خواسته بوديد را آماده کردند از شما مي پرسند که براي چه مدت آن را مي خواهيد اجاره کنيد
"How long will you be needing the car?"
"How long will you be renting the car?"
"When do you need the car till?"
"I’ll need the car for two weeks."
"I want to rent it for one week."
"I need it for 4 days."
"I need it for just a day."
ممکن از شما بخواهند فرمي را پر کنيد يا حتي سوالات ديگري از شما بپرسند
"What is your last name?"
"What is your first name?"
"Are you a United States resident?"
"What country are you from?"
"What is your address?"
قبل از اينکه قيمت اجاره را به شما بدهند از شما مي پرسند که مي خواهيد بيمه کنيد يا اينکه بيمه داريد
"Would you like insurance on the car?"
"How much is insurance?"
همچنين از شما خواهند پرسيد که راننده چه کسي است
"Who is going to be the driver?"
"How many people are going to drive?"
"Are all the drivers at least 25 years old?"
شما بايد گواهي نامه خود را همراه داشته باشيد
"Can I see your driver’s license?"
"May I have your driver’s license?"
"I will need to see your driver’s license."
سرانجام قيمت را به شما خواهند گفت
"The total will be $184.19.
وقتي که پول را پرداختيد به شما قوانين را توضيح خواهند داد
"The gas tank is full. You should fill it up before you return the car. If you do not, then we charge $3 a gallon."
"You can pick up your car downstairs. Just show them the invoice and they will have your car ready for you."
"You will need to return it by 4pm on the 16th. We charge an additional $8 for every four hours that you are late. Return it to the same place you pick up the car."
"Please keep this form in the car. Bring it with you when you return the vehicle
سوالات و جواب هاي پرسيده شده مربوط به فرودگاه در مکالمات زبان انگليسي :
At the Counter
در فرودگاه وقتي که به پيشخوان چک کردن بليط مي رسيد، شما بايد بليط و پاسپورت خود را به متصدي تحويل دهيد. اولين سوالي که آن ها معمولا مي پرسند اين است که چند نفر همراه شما دارند مسافرت مي کنند.
ترجمه متن بالا:
"Is anybody traveling with you today?"
" آيا در حال حاضر کسي با شما مسافرت مي کند؟"
"Is anybody else traveling with you?"
" آيا شخص ديگري در حال مسافرت با شما است؟"
"Are just you two traveling today?"
" آيا در حال حاضر فقط شما دو نفر درحال مسافرت کردنيد؟"
همه خطوط هوايي يک ليست سوال دارند که بايد از شما بپرسند. بياييد به چند سوال نگاهي بندازيم.
"Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?"
"آيا کسي که شما نمي شناسيدش از شما خواسته که با خودتان چيزي را به داخل هواپيما ببريد؟"
"Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?"
"آيا از لحظه اي که چمدان هايتان را بستيد آن ها را در اختيار داشتيد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
کلمهluggage يک اسم غير قابل شمارش است و با توجه به معني جمله مي توان جمع يا مفرد بودن آن را تشخيص داد.
"Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?"
"آيا چمدان هايتان را تنها و بدون اينکه کسي مراقبشان باشد در فرودگاه ول کرديد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
اصطلاح at all براي تاکيد در جملات منفي يا سوالي به کار مي رود و مي تواند به معناي "اصلا" و "ابدا" باشد يا فقط جنبه تاکيد داشته باشد
"Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?"
" آيا شما هيچ گونه سلاح يا اسلحه گرمي با خود داريد؟ "
نکته آموزشي:
هر يک از علامت هاي " ، علامت کوتيشن مارک يا نقل قول ،quotation mark، نام دارد که جزء نشانه هاي نقطه گذاري (مثل نقطه و کاما است). به ياد داشته باشيد که تمام نشانه هاي نقطه گذاري (مثل نقطه، علامت سوال و کاما و غيره). درون " " قرار مي گيرند و نه خارج آن، بنابر اين جمله اي به صورت:
"Are you carrying any weapons or firearms"?
که علامت سوال خارج از " " قرار گرفته از لحاظ قوانين نقطه گذاري اشتباه مي باشد.
"Are you carrying any flammable material?"
"آيا هر گونه ماده قابل اشتعالي با خود داريد؟ "
"Do you have any perishable food items?"
"آيا شما هرگونه کالاي خوراکي فاسد شدني داريد؟ "
اگر شما متوجه معناي جمله ها نشويد نمي توانيد جواب بله يا خير به همه آن ها بدهيد.
"How many luggage are you checking in?"
"چند عدد چمدان را داريد تحويل مي دهيد؟ "
نکته آموزشي:
Check in در اينجا به معني تحويل دادن مي باشد. مثال:
"did you check in your baggage"
"چمدان هايت را تحويل دادي؟"
"Do you have a carry on?"
"آيا چمدان دستي (کوچکي) داريد؟"
نکته آموزشي:
”a” در جمله بالا معني "يک" نمي دهد بلکه به عنوان "ي" نکره به کار بره شده است. به مثال زير توجه نماييد:
" I see a man" يعني: "مردي را مي بينم" است.
هميشه به اين نکته مهم توجه داشته باشيد که براي ترجمه نبايد اولين معني که به ذهنمان مي رسد را به کار ببريم، بايد سعي نماييم که هرکلمه اي را حتي اگر فکر مي کنيم معناي آن کلمه را مي دانيم در فرهنگ لغت مناسب چک نماييم. براي کسب مهارت بيشتر در ترجمه و آموزش ترجمه، به مطالب بخش اتاق ترجمه که برگرفته از "مجله وزين مترجم " مي باشد مراجعه نماييد.
"Can you place your baggage up here?"
"مي توانيد چمدان هايتان را اين بالا قرار دهيد؟"
"How many carry on bags are you taking with you?"
"چند ساک دستي با خودتان داريد؟"
بعد، آن ها ممکن است بپرسند که آيا شما صندلي طرف راهرو را ترجيح مي دهيد يا طرف پنجره را؟
"Do you prefer window or aisle?"
" طرف پنجره را ترجيح مي دهيد يا راهرو را؟"
اگر صندلي هاي طرف راهرو تمام شده باشد، آن ها از شما مي پرسند، طرف پنجره مناسب است؟
"We do not have any aisle seats remaining. Is a window seat ok with you or would you prefer a middle seat?"
" هيچ صندلي طرف راهرو باقي نمانده. آيا صندلي طرف پنجره براي شما مناسب است يا يک صندلي در رديف وسط را ترجيح مي دهيد؟"
بعضي افراد دوست دارند که کنار درب خروج اضطراري باشند. شما مي توانيد آن صندلي را درخواست نماييد.
"Do you have a seat next to the emergency exit?"
"آيا صندلي کنار درب خروج اضطراري داريد؟"
"Can I have a seat closest to the emergency exit?"
"مي توانم صندلي در نزديک ترين جا به درب خروج اضطراري داشته باشم؟"
نکته آموزشي:
Closest صفت عالي صفت close است. براي اطلاع بيشتر به بخش آموزش دستور سايت مراجعه نماييد اما نکته مهم اينجاست که تلفظ فعل close با صفت close متفاوت است. حتما تلفظ آن را در يک فرهنگ لغت، ترجيحا صوتي، مطالعه نماييد.
اگر داشته باشند، شما صندلي کنار خروجي به دست مي آوريد، اما اگر نداشته باشند، سعي مي کنند صندلي که نزديک آن را به شما بدهند.
"All the seats next to the exit have been taken. I have a seat directly in front of it. Would you like that one?"
"تمام صندلي هاي مجاور درب خروج رزرو شده. من يک صندلي درست مقابل آن دارم. آن را مي خواهيد؟"
بعد از همه اين مراحل، آن ها شماره درب ورود به هواپيما و زمان سوار شدن را به شما مي گويند.
"Here are your tickets. The gate number is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. You should report to gate C2 by then. C2 is around the corner and down the hall. Thank you."
"اين بليط هاي شما است. شماره درب وارد شدن به هواپيما در انتهاي بليط (قرار دارد) نوشته شده است. آن ها ۲۰ دقيقه قبل از زمان حرکت شروع به سوار کردن مي نمايند. شما بايد تا آن موقع به درب سي ۲ (C2) اطلاع دهيد. سي ۲ پايين نزديک و پايين راهرو است. متشکرم."
معمولا به شما گفته مي شود که از کدام در وارد هواپيما شويد ولي اگر نياز باشد که شما دوباره بپرسيد مي توانيد از
سوالات زير استفاده کنيد
"Which gate did you say it was?"
"What was the gate number again?"
"Can you point me towards the gate?"
"How do I get to the gate again?"
"How do I get to gate C2?"
"Where is gate C2
مکالمه در فرودگاه :
Airport – Interactive Practice
A: “Welcome. May I have your tickets?”
B: “Here you go.”
A: “Is anybody else traveling with you two?”
B: “No. It’s just us.”
A: “Do you have your passports with you?”
B: “Yes. Here it is.”
A: “I’m going to ask you a series of questions. Please respond with a yes or a no.”
B: “Ok.”
A: “Did someone you do not know ask you to take something on the plane with you?”
B: “No.”
A: “Did you have possession of your luggage since you packed?”
B: “Yes.”
A: “Did you leave your luggage unattended at all in the airport?”
B: “No.”
A: “Are you carrying any weapons or firearms?”
B: “No.”
A: “Are you carrying any flammable material?”
B: “No.”
A: “Do you have any perishable food items?”
B: “No.”
A: “Great. Can you place your baggage over here?”
B: “Sure.”
A: “Would you like an aisle or a window seat?”
B: “Window seat please.”
A: “Ok. I am placing you two in 21A and 21B. The gate number is C2. It is on the bottom of the ticket. They will start boarding 20 minutes before the departure time. C2 is located around the corner through the hall. Thank you.”
B: “Can you point me to gate C2?”
A: “Sure. It’s that way. Around that corner.”
B: “Great. Thank you
تغيير دادن تاريخ حرکت :
Departing Date
وقتي مي خواهيد تاريخ حرکت بليط خود را تغيير دهيد بايد با شرکت هواپيمايي تماس بگيريد
"I have an open ended ticket and I would like to schedule a departure date."
"I have a ticket and I need to schedule a departure date."
"I am scheduled to depart on June 15th. Can I change this to a later date?"
"I have a ticket to depart on June 15th. I would like to see if there is an earlier flight available."
واز شما پرسيده مي شود که چه تاريخي را براي حرکت انتخاب کرده ايد
"What date would you like to depart?"
"What date would you like to change it to?"
"When do you want to depart?
جواب هايي که مي دهيد بايد تاريخ حرکت را مشخص کند
"I would like to leave on June 22nd."
"Is June 22nd available?"
"Can you check if June 22nd is possible?"
"I was hoping to reserve a seat for June 22nd."
نمونه پاسخ هايي که به شما خواهند داد مانند زير مي باشد
"Yes. We have seats available for the 22nd. Would you like me to reserve them?"
"On the 22nd, the departure time is 1:00pm. Should I reserve them?"
"We have two flights departing on that date. Would you like to depart at 10am or 7pm?"
"I’m sorry, but we do not have any available seats on the 22nd. Should I put you on the waiting list?"
"I’m sorry, there are no departures for the 22nd. We have a flight leaving on the 21st and the 24th. Will either of these days work for you?"
"The 22nd is full. The next available flight is on the 23rd. Would you like me to reserve a seat on that date
زمان پرواز را تاييد کردن :
Confirming your Flight
وقتي قصد داريد با هواپيما پرواز کنيد معمولا براي تاييد کردن بليط بايد چند روز زود تر با شرکت هواپيمايي تماس بگيريد در اينچا سوالاتي که مي توانيد بپرسيد را آورده ايم
You: "I would like to confirm my flight."
Them: "Can I get your ticket number?"
You: "The number is 45-6-43."
Them: "You are scheduled to depart on June 15th at 1:00 pm. Is this correct?"
You: "Yes it is."
Them: "Is anybody else traveling with you?"
You: "Yes, my wife."
Them: "Can I have the other ticket number?"
You: "It is 45-6-44."
Them: "Your tickets have been confirmed. Please arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departs. Thank you for calling."
ساير سوالاتي که ممکن در فرودگاه بشنويد
"Would you like to book your seats now?"
"Would you like a window seat or an aisle seat?"
"What is your ticket number?"
"What is your last name?"
"What is your first name
مکالمه در رستوران :
At the Restaurant - Interactive Practice
A: "Welcome to McDonald's. May I take your order?"
B: "I'll take the number one."
A: "What size would you like?"
B: "Medium please."
A: "Will that be for here or to go?"
B: "Here please."
A: "The total comes to $4.89. We'll have that right out for you."
A: "Can I get a drink started for you?"
B: "I'll take a coke."
A: "One coke. I'll be right out with your coke."
--Pause-- "Here's is your coke. Are you ready to order?"
B: "Can I have one more minute?"
A: "Sure. I'll be back in a little bit."
--Pause-- "Do you need more time?"
B: "I'm ready now. I'll have the Patty Melt with fries."
A: "Do you want regular fries or steak fries?"
B: "Steak fries please."
A: "I'll have that out for you in a few minutes."
--Pause-- "Here you go. Do you need anything else?"
B: "Can I have a bottle of ketchup?"
A: "I have one right here."
B: "Great. Thanks."
A: "Is everything ok here?"
B: "Yes. Thank you."
--Pause-- "Excuse me. Can I have my bill?"
A: "Sure. Here you go
مکالمه در فروشگاه :
store and More - Interactive Practice
A: "Do you need help finding anything?"
B: "I'm looking for this shirt in a small."
A: "Let me see if we have any in the back."
B: "Thank you."
A: "I found a couple. Here you go."
B: "Thank you. Do you sell belts here?"
A: "Yes. They are on the other side of the counter there."
B: "Thank you."
A: "You're welcome. Let me know if you need anything else."
A: "Do you have disposable cameras?"
B: "Yes. They are next to the film on aisle 6A."
A: "Which way is 6A?"
B: "Two rows that way."
A: "Great. Thank you."
A: "Hi. I would like to send this to Korea."
B: "How would you like to send it?"
A: "What is the price difference?"
B: "You can send it priority airmail for $17.68 or regular airmail for $13.95."
A: "I'll send it through regular airmail."
B: "Is there any food items in here?"
A: "No."
B: "Is there any firearms or explosives?"
A: "No."
B: "Is there anything fragile?"
A: "No."
B: "Would you like to insure the contents?"
A: "How much is insurance?"
B: "For $200, it comes to $3.76."
A: "Yes please."
B: "Do you need any stamps today?"
A: "No thank you."
B: "Ok. Your total is $18.63
B: "For $200, it comes to $3.76."
A: "Yes please."
B: "Do you need any stamps today?"
A: "No thank you."
B: "Ok. Your total is $18.63
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فعلهای اساسی انگلیسی به فارسی (صد 100 مورد) با مثال و ترجمه به فارسی لیست فعلهای مهم و پرتکرار که در این ویدیو یکجا جمع شده اند، به شدت د...
پرکاربردترین جملات انگلیسی با معنی فارسی که باید بلد باشید
پرکاربردترین جملات انگلیسی با معنی فارسی که باید بلد باشید در این ویدیو مهمترین و کاربردی ترین جملات انگلیسی روزمره که برای هر زبان آموز در مسیر یادگی...
سیصد 300 فعل حیاتی و مهم انگلیسی با تلفظ و معنی فارسی
سیصد 300 فعل حیاتی و مهم انگلیسی با تلفظ و معنی فارسی در سایت انگلیسی مثل آب خوردن Easy Peasy English فعلهای اساسی انگلیسی به فارسی (سیصد 300 مورد) با...
داستان انگلیسی یک لیوان شیر با متن انگلیسی و ترجمه فارسی و تلفظ صوتی
داستان انگلیسی یک لیوان شیر با متن انگلیسی و ترجمه فارسی و تلفظ صوتی ...
جملات ضروری انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی برای جواب عذرخواهی با روش انگلیسی مثل آب خوردن
جملات ضروری انگلیسی با ترجمه فارسی برای جواب عذرخواهی با روش انگلیسی مثل آب خوردن در زندگی روزمره انگلیسی موقعیتهای بسیاری پیش میاد که باید ...
جملات و اصطلاحات کوتاه انگلیسی روزمره با معنی فارسی و تلفظ انگلیسی مثل آب خوردن
جملات کوتاه انگلیسی روزمره با معنی فارسی و تلفظ در این درس مهم، 150 مورد از جملات کوتاه انگلیسی با معنی فارسی که مهمترین جملات کوتاه انگلی...
جمله سازی انگلیسی با لغت اساسی Should در انگلیسی به فارسی و جملات ضروری روزمره مثال
جمله سازی انگلیسی با لغت اساسی Should در انگلیسی به فارسی و جملات ضروری روزمره مثال در این درس جمله سازی انگلیسی و جملات ضروری و کاربردی با لغت اساسی ...
یادگیری مکالمه انگلیسی در 20 روز با درسهای رایگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی به فارسی
یادگیری مکالمه انگلیسی در 20 روز با درسهای رایگان آموزش زبان انگلیسی به فارسی در سری درسهای آموزش مکالمه انگلیسی در 20 روز، در انگلیسی مثل آب خوردن؛ د...